Jovian NPCs

Grigor Tachian has never been what you could consider a 'good man', even during his childhood and teen years he was groomed to take his father's position at the head of the family for criminal activities. Though when his father did finally pass away it was under extremely suspicious circumstances and many rumors have been floating around that Grigor was to blame. Once he seized control of the family's power he became a relentless and cruel force of nature. Shoving his fingers into as many pies as he could while maintaining what had rose the family to the top: smuggling/drugs. Four years ago the Tachian family found themselves in the midst of a war with the De Luca family and when the dust finally settled, Grigor's daughter Angelica completely disowned her family. Grigor directed his rage at the De Luca family and patiently waited for his chance to lash out at them for his loss and in the end he couldn't have been more pleased, putting the pawns in place to make sure Marlon De Luca didn't last longer than a month in prison.

Chimere and Indigo Finn are Gerard Finn's daughter and son respectively. Their mother was a dancer on a space station that Ger and his crew liked to party at, and one thing led to another multiple times. When Chimere was born, Ger was far from ready to be a father. In fact, he and his crew had gone about as far as they could get from the space station, robbing shipping lines on the other side of the galaxy. She spent the first year of her life on the space station, and then her mother fell pregnant again. Ger still wasn't ready to be a father, but he had a more elegant solution this time: instead of running away, he let his sister get involved. Zac got his two year old daughter and newborn son off that space station as fast as possible, and made arrangements to raise them on Jovian. Ger wasn't happy to lose Zac, who'd become an essential member of his crew, but he was a lot happier knowing she and his kids were safe. He regularly sends money back home to help take care of them - all of them, though he insists it's only for the kids to spare Zac's pride - and visits as often as he can, though going planetside is always risky for a wanted felon.

Benjamin "Benji" Kechum is the first born son of Clyde and Jacqueline Kechum. He was a happy accident, and born during a tumultuous time in his parents' lives. Benji was conceived during a rival country star's concert, thanks to that asshole's attempt to get under Eddie's skin by making sure he knew his not-yet-ex-wife was traveling with him. Clyde - who goes by Eddie Golden these days - took the bait, tracked Jacq down, and when he found her their argument turned into a helluva lot more. Needless to say, he wasn't ready to be a father, neither professionally nor emotionally, and Jacq wasn't exactly in a stable place. That was why she ended up staying at his parents' horse ranch during her pregnancy despite their still troubled relationship. Eddie's parents were happy to help out, and they had as much a hand in the boy's early years as Eddie and Jacq did (if not more, sometimes). Benji grew up with his parents bickering with and/or avoiding each other, but they were pretty good at shielding him from the drama. He's a happy kid who is maybe a little spoiled and definitely a little reckless... If he doesn't make Jacq's hair turn gray by the time he hits his teens, it won't be for a lack of trying!

Caroline Kechum is Eddie's mom. She is Southern to her roots, which are as blonde as the day she was born - maybe even blonder! Caroline never fully stopped being a helicopter parent, and even after her boy was grown she remained firmly involved in his life. She still takes a shuttle to bring her boy a home cooked meal at least twice a week. Caroline has long been a firm believer that her son is meant to be with his wife, Jacqueline, and she spent hours listening to both sides of the argument back when they weren't talking. No stranger to tough love, she wasn't always a passive listener, but not all of her advice fell on deaf ears... Especially where her son was concerned. Eddie started reining in his wildness because she told him he had to prove he was the right kind of man before Jacq would have him for her husband again. Caroline is endlessly devoted to family, and they have an open invitation to her weekly Sunday Brunch where she feeds everyone on the ranch.

Nova Skellington is Casper Skellington's only daughter. Her parents were dating when she was conceived, but had broken up by the time she was born. They share custody of Nova, but she lived with her mother until she was three. That was when her high IQ was discovered. The entry tests she took for daycare placed her in the top 1% of her age bracket, which is why a government agent quickly came to make arrangements to send her to Juno Academy. Her parents managed to defer the order until Nova was 5, when she formally entered into a legal agreement with Jovian's government. (Though she is a minor, her high IQ is a legal exception to the usual laws governing a minor's ability to sign documents for themselves.) Her education is being paid for by the government under the signed agreement that she will work for one of their agencies upon graduation for at least 10 years. She is 9 years old now - almost 10, as she reminds Casper every time she talks to him - and primarily lives at the Academy. She is a little shy and extremely focused on her schoolwork, but has a wicked sense of humor once she gets to know someone. Nova is a daddy's girl to her bones, and has a more difficult time relating to her mother.

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