He had to admit, if only to himself: the thought of becoming a father again was terrifying. Hunter had stumbled through the obstacle course of raising a kid once, and he didn't think he was the right sort of man to go through it all over again. He wanted to have a kid with Emilia, but in the same breath... He was getting older, and he worked in a very dangerous field. That had never been more obvious to him than when they'd gotten Rory's frantic call, helpless to do much more than activate their nanobots and hope the MPs got there in time to save his daughter and her boyfriend.

He didn't want that sort of life for their kid. Hell, he didn't want that life for Emilia, either, where she never knew he was coming back when he left her to manage the Paradisum while he chased after dangerous criminals. The problem was, he wanted that life for himself... Taking the man out of the hunt took the life out of him, too. The best he could do was compromise, and part of that compromise was taking some well deserved time off. Hunter insisted they both wouldn't be working when he agreed they could stay at her beloved resort, but he was serious about his threat. If he caught her so much as thinking about her phone and all of the work alerts she was missing, he was going to take them to a different resort.

Their first night there was spent in the secluded cabin Emilia had gotten built for him on the mainland. It was several miles outside of the resort, built near a rehabilitated river with its own powerful waterfall. Hunter woke up to the sound of rushing water at first light, but managed to stay in bed until mid morning sunlight started coming in through the window. He groaned softly while rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye, half sitting up. Something was next to him, but it wasn't what he'd been expecting... A foot instead of the pretty face he'd been looking for.

Hunter grunted when he saw her on the other side of the bed, then flopped back on the mattress again. He'd been having restless nights since Rory had nearly been killed by a serial killer; he was normally good at compartmentalizing, but that was something any father would've had a hard time getting over.

"Didn't kick you, did I?" He asked in a low, gravely voice. Hunter glanced over his shoulder to look at Emilia, trying to gauge if she was awake. Either way, he got up and headed downstairs - still naked - into his small kitchen nook to start the coffee. They'd run an electric line out there a few seasons ago, when he had finally agreed to get a "few necessities" like a coffee pot. He could've kept drinking the rougher stuff he brewed on a campfire, but it was another one of those compromises. Hunter wanted to make things nice for Emilia, even if he didn't always care about "making them nice" for himself.

Once the coffee was brewed, he headed carefully up the stairs with two mugs in his hands. Hunter had made hers the way she liked, and he set both of their mugs on the small side table near the bed before sitting down on the mattress. "G'morning, babe," he murmured while leaning in to kiss her on the temple of her head. "Made you coffee..." Hunter hesitated, caught somewhere between grinning and frowning. "It's decaf. Don't think you can have the real thing." There was a hint of apology in his voice, but his hand rubbed warmly down her side and over her stomach. "Little bean's not even a he or she yet, and s'already callin' the shots..." Hunter kissed Emilia underneath the ear.

"You hungry?

Emilia didn't have to admit it, she'd looked like a nervous wreck since she told Hunter about her being pregnant. Not because she didn't want a kid, a kid with him but, well, it was something new, different, and scary. She'd always been the type to worry about other people. Make sure things were taken care of and been 'motherly' in a lot of ways that she didn't exactly deem 'motherly'. But there was an entire new life growing inside of her that she had to worry about. And not just worry about taking care of it while it was growing inside of her but worry about taking care of it for the rest of her life. Yeah, there was Rory, but Emilia never wanted to be considered anything close to being a mother figure for her. Given how close they were in age that was just silly. Of course she watched out for her, listened to her when she was needed, and even butt heads with her at times...but she wasn't her mother.

She was certainly going to be a mother though, six at home tests and a doctor's visit with a sonogram proved that, not to mention the minor changes she could already feel. Things were a bit more tender than normal and some food's smells were enough to have her leaving a room or holding her breath until she could do so politely. Heartburn and difficulty sleeping were the two newest things she was learning to deal with. Which was why she ended up on the bed the wrong way after dozens of attempts to find a position that let her sleep longer. (She'd spent most of her random awake moments staring at articles on her phone and learning that sleeping was going to be getting worse and worse the bigger she got. Not to mention reading about all of the things that could go wrong....)

Admittedly she'd hid underneath the blankets during her 'research' and a few times that Hunter got restless she managed to get comfortable enough to rub his back until he went still again. The serial killer thing had been a big enough scare for the both of them in a lot of different ways. Rory was one of the safest people she knew, Casper too along with Hunter, and if the bad guy could get to the both of them then...Well, she maybe a bit creepily watched Hunter sleep a few times too.

When he finally started to stir during the morning she was in that state where she wasn't really asleep but...she wasn't really awake yet either. Grumbling at his question before pulling the blanket over her head and nestling down into the bed until she was curled up into the fetal position. She was half hoping she could manage to fall asleep again after he left the room but it was a laughable task. The sun was already too high in the sky for any of that nonsense. So by the time he made it back upstairs again she was already peaking out of her little blanket and pillow fort to watch him. Sleep still holding onto her eyes enough to make her look a little lazy but the smile that was hidden beneath the blankets pulled at the corners.

Emilia twisted a bit on the bed and kicked the blankets down until they were around her waist, wearing one of his shirts but really nothing else. "Good morning.", she echoed him and smiled brightly at his kiss to her forehead. Though she was frowning by the time he mentioned the coffee being decaf, the smile had tried to stay, but she couldn't stop the frown and the grumble. "Little bean is mean.", she muttered playfully before poking her stomach then turning her attention back to him. "Hungry? Oh yeah. Think I'm still allowed to have bacon...", she paused, "...did you know babies can cry while in the womb?", she frowned and glanced at her stomach again before shaking her head and getting back on track.

He lightly tapped her on the nose when she said 'little bean is mean.' It was the sort of cute only Emilia could get away with being while he was around. Hunter would've teased Rory mercilessly for saying something like that, but coming from Emi he had to clear his throat around the impulse to chuckle. She was damn cute, and the grin he was trying to beat off his face got away from him entirely once she changed the subject from bacon to babies being able to cry in the womb. "Are you saying we'll be able to hear the mean bean crying if it doesn't like what you eat?" Hunter was teasing, of course, and he chuckled again while she was climbing into his lap.

Hunter wrapped his arms around Emilia, pulling her close and stroking his hands up and down her back. She was such a necessary part of his life, both for the big things she did and the little things. Hard to imagine not having her with him anymore, no matter what their age difference was. He was only too happy to return her kisses, and once she was nuzzled down in his chest he lowered his head to kiss whatever part of her head he could reach. His hand stroked up and down her back, subconsciously mirroring the care she'd shown him that morning; it was what he meant when he thought about the little things she did, like soothing him back to sleep so he could get a few extra hours on a day off.

It was hard not to snort when Emilia teased about developing a waddle and being like a duck. "The most beautiful duck I've ever caught," Hunter couldn't help but grin. He leaned in to kiss her scrunched up nose, then eagerly accepted the loving kisses she gave him. "Sorry it's decaf," Hunter answered after another kiss. "Mine's same as yours," another kiss, "so we're in the same boat this morning." Another kiss. When Hunter had finally kissed her enough, for the moment, he tilted his head back and gave her a considering look. "If you're going to be like a duck, maybe I should take you out to the river..." He caught Emilia by the sides, tickling her with merciless squeezes of fingers that knew all of her trigger spots.

He wanted at least one squeal out of her before he relented on the tickling, and instead wrapped his arms around her so she couldn't try to escape from his lap. "Okay, okay," Hunter laughed while lowering his face to nudge his nose into the top of her head. "No more tickling." His eyes were warm with love when he shifted them on the bed, carefully coaxing her into laying back down; stretched out beside him. He ran his fingers over her stomach, trying to imagine what it'd be like when she was big enough to waddle. Hunter shifted suddenly, moving to press a lingering kiss just over her belly button. So strange to think their baby was growing in there...

His first wife had died in childbirth. A fluke in this day and age, but it was at the back of Hunter's mind nevertheless. What he'd had for his first wife hadn't been what he had for Emilia; they'd married to please their parents instead of themselves. It wasn't the same thing, and he wouldn't survive losing Emi. The dark turn of his thoughts was what put a little more pressure behind his mouth when he covered hers with his again, and why his hand went from her stomach to her hip: shifting over her enough to push his way between her legs while he kissed her with as much need as love.

Emilia was honestly pretty serious about the waddling thing and looking like a duck. It wasn't something she was looking forward to, that or the shrinking bladder, or the constant back pain...or the labor. Yeah, technological advances made things a lot easier, helluva lot safer, but she was still at that point of trying to decide if she should do the natural thing. It was still a popular thing to do but she wasn't keen on the idea of spending hours in pain then, without medicine to help with that pain, push out a baby. It was something that was always stirring at the back of her head but it got put on hold as she caught his grin and, well, it was infectious. Groaning a little again at the mention of the coffee being decaf though honestly she'd been looking for a reason to make some healthy changes.

She'd always been the type that couldn't function without multiple cups throughout the day. Not to mention the late nights she usually pulled, courtesy of the resort, that required her to keep on drinking until it was time to finally crawl into bed. "Huh?", she questioned since she'd been lost thinking about coffee and completely off guard by the time he was tickling her. Forcing laughs, squeaks, and other various noises out of her along with, "Hunter!!!", she gasped before a half of a squeal slipped out and she was reduced to giggling madly. "St-Stop!!", her tone not nearly threatening or angry enough to be taken seriously.

But it did the job well enough that she huffed at him when he stopped and laughed. "It's not fair when I can't tickle you back.", she'd tried and tried but she'd never found his trigger spots.

Emilia didn't need much coaxing to lay on her back on the bed but she didn't watch his tracing fingers, her eyes stayed on him. That warmth radiating from them just as much as it was in his own, "We're gonna need names....a bigger cabin, too. And I'm trying to decide between a midwife or an actual doctor....", she wrinkled her nose a little again before laying a hand on his head to run her fingers through his hair. Doing that while he pressed a kiss on her belly and she couldn't help the fond look or grin on her face at the sight. She already knew Hunter was a great father. She had no doubt he would be for their child like he'd been for Rory. All she could hope was that she could be a great mother alongside with him while she watched him lovingly.

When his mouth found her own again she hummed approvingly into the kiss and shifted her legs as he pressed between them. Shifting until they framed either sides of his hips while her hands slipped their way up to his neck. Slowly tucking her forearm behind his neck as she returned the kiss and slid her other hand down his neck to his chest. Emilia traced a small heart there before letting her hand slip down to his hip before hooking her legs over his own and effectively 'keeping' him in place. The arm behind his head ensured if he raised up too much that more than likely he'd pull her up with him but what strengthened it was her grabbing his shoulder with the hand attached to that arm.

"This is a lot better than decaf coffee...", she muttered against his lips after breaking the kiss, her own lips curling into a soft smile as she gazed up at him. Emilia tilted her head a little up at him though when she saw the subtle look on his face, "What's going on there...", lifting the hand from his shoulder to tap him on the back of the head before she simply ran her fingers through his hair. Dancing her nails over his scalp before she leaned up to give him another kiss, this much softer, but still as loving as any other.

His only answer to her pouting about not being able to tickle him back was a self satisfied smirk. It was less that Hunter wasn't ticklish and more that he wasn't as ticklish as she was: he could stone his way through it, and she always gave up before the impulse to laugh broke him. Of course, he was never going to tell her that! Insisting he wasn't ticklish was part of the game. Once Emilia was on her back and underneath him, returning his kiss and tracing something that felt like it could've been a heart on his chest, Hunter was thinking about something a lot more personal than tickling her. He liked the way she was holding onto him, wrapping legs and arms around him like some kind of spider monkey; making sure he stayed where she wanted him until she was ready for him to go.

Hunter made a low, agreeing rumble against her mouth when she said what they were doing was better than coffee. Their cups were cooling on the table stand, but what man could care about that with a woman like Emilia underneath him? He frowned when she tapped him on the back of his head, but the fingers she ran through his hair soothed the grumble before it could escape him. Especially once she started with her nails. Hunter made a much different sort of rumbling noise when she kissed him, though his mouth stayed as soft and loving as hers. "I was thinking, you should do the doctor route," he said, lifting his head just enough to be sure she'd hear him.

But Hunter couldn't resist leaning in for another soft kiss. Before Emilia, he'd been a rougher man; convinced by none other than himself that he didn't need things like kisses and cuddles, always taking and only incidentally giving in return... Rory had always been his gruff and nonsexual exception, of course, but Emilia was more than that. She was everything. Hunter nuzzled kisses from her mouth, to her chin, and down her elegant neck. He lightly mouthed a bite into her throat, but paused at her collarbone to slant a look up at her. Emilia was the only one who knew him that well, so he figured she knew he'd been thinking about more than just going with a doctor instead of a midwife.

"Pregnancy's dangerous," Hunter said in a gruffer tone. "All kinds of complications, and things that can go wrong..." He'd never explicitly told Emilia the story about Rory's mother, outside of her dying in childbirth. The only thing talking about the dead did was invite their ghosts to come around. "I want to know you're going to be safe." He shifted his weight suddenly, betraying the strength of feeling behind that deceptively mild statement by leaning in to firmly nudge their noses together. Hunter tilted his head so their mouths were almost touching, and breathed: "I need it." Then he kissed her, and there was a lot less softness behind his mouth this time. Being older, Hunter was well in control of his feelings most of the time. He'd outgrown his boyish need to posture around other men, and the only time he got physical these days was when he intended to put someone down. But the thought of losing another -- not quite wife, he realized distantly, in childbirth was going to haunt him for months to come.

When he broke the kiss, it was to nudge her into the mattress with her head angled so he could get at her ear. Hunter was being more careful with her than usual - it wasn't only Emilia that he had to worry about, now - but he was still firm when he pinned her underneath him and mouthed a bite into her earlobe. His hand slid up her arm to link their fingers together while he tilted his head to line mouthing bites down her neck. When he reached her collarbone, he lifted his head to give Emilia another kiss, though this one was softer and lingered longer.

"No midwife," Hunter murmured over her lips.

"Hmmmm?", she hummed into their kiss when he mentioned that he thought they should go the doctor route. She wasn't ignorant to what had happened to his ex-wife, Rory's mother, when she was going through labor though admittedly she never got many details. It wasn't something she felt like she should push at. Not even when she knew it was a risk involved with being pregnant to begin with even in this day and age somethings were unavoidable. But Emilia was trying to be the best optimist about everything even if she did have her worries about a lot of things she'd read about. Like growing extra toes or fingers, the baby being born with teeth, or really any other complication that was unavoidable. It didn't stop her from smiling warmly up to him though before he kissed her again and then started nuzzling those kisses.

She was humming again when he mouthed that bite into her throat though it was admittedly a helluva lot more heated. Giving her more of a reason to rock her hips up against his a little more. Barely pausing when he slanted that look up at her but all together shifted to steady pressure when he started talking. Prompting another curious look up at him before something softened in her eyes and she realized what he could have been thinking about. But instead of saying something immediately, she kept dancing her fingers through his hair and over his scalp as soothingly as she could.

Those fingers only faltered themselves when he shifted suddenly and had his nose firmly against her's. Breathing those three words across, and into, her mouth then kissing her with enough heat to take her breath away for a brief moment. Her fingers tightened in his hair and she did what she could to make a promise without saying a single word. Using her mouth and tongue instead to deepen the kiss with just as much need and passion, and love, as he'd put into it. She couldn't blame him for being worried not when she worried just as much about something like that happening. But she could very well agree to his want for her to have a doctor instead of a midwife. Not only was it safer but she could only imagine it was a helluva lot more comfortable as well.

Not that she got to think about a lot of that while he was kissing her or even after he broke the kiss. Emilia turned her head with his nudging and gasped softly at his mouth on her ear. A sensual fissure running through her body as it arched up against his. Eagerly interlocking her fingers with his while her other hand stayed in it's place at the back of his head. Each little bite down her neck was enough to pucker her skin with goosebumps before she was huffing out a baited breath. Indulging in that next kiss while her hand finally slipped down to cradle his cheek, "No midwife.", she echoed him before letting her thumb slide underneath his chin until she had a hold of him by his jaw on both sides.

Using her hold there to give him a kiss of her own that lasted for a few long breaths. Once she broke it, she slid her hand down to his chest to encourage him to put a little more space between their bodies. "I'll be the safest pregnant woman there has ever been in the history of time.", she smiled softly before giving him another peck on the lips. "I'm not going anywhere.", she muttered before yet another peck while her hand slipped further down between them. All the way until she could take his length in her hand and start rubbing him over her slit. "Now, no more bean talk....", she huffed against his cheek.

Sliding her thumb along his length until she could rub small circles at his base before she nudged her hips enough to settle him at her entrance. Keeping her hand at his base for a moment longer so she could shift her hips enough to tease his head there. Emilia was already huffing out some soft noises as she finally continued, "...and more better than coffee." Raising up a little she forced him to do the same so she could give him a few more persuasive kisses that weren't just to move away from the conversation previously at hand. But to try to give him some kind of solid feeling that she was serious when she said wasn't going anywhere. Hopefully saying what she hadn't as well. That she understood his fear, that she shared it, and that she was going to do everything in her power to make sure at the end of the pregnancy that they had not only a healthy baby...but a full family as well.

Leaning back down into the bed after her kisses she used her hand to nestle him back against her entrance again before a rolling of her hips pushed him inside of her. A shudder running through her as she gazed up at him, "I love you.", she breathed out while putting both of her hands on either side of his face. Pulling him into another brief kiss so she could murmur against his lips, "You're stuck with me forever, Hunter Edwards.", giving him a flash of a smile.

He drew in a long breath and breathed it out in a low 'hmmm'ing noise while Emilia was shifting her hips and situating his cock just so between her legs. Hunter couldn't resist adding some extra pressure with his hips, but he was careful not to slide in: he liked the feeling of riding that edge and letting Emilia tease more huffing sounds out of them both. He was only too happy to shift his focus from their uncertain future to the solid present, and in the now he still had her in his arms. In the now, Emilia had more than him in her hands.... Her thumb rubbed a low, appreciative groan out of him as she was settling him at her entrance, and a slow roll of his hips added pressure without pushing his way inside: but he wanted them both to feel the tension, to spend that moment knowing he could push in if he wanted to... But he let her tease him instead.

Hunter was only too eager to move up with her when she reached for him, and the kisses he was rewarded with were well worth it. They did their job, too: the part of him that was worried about the impending trials that came with his girl being pregnant faded from the forefront of his mind, until the only thing he could properly focus on was her. He followed Emilia down as she was laying back again, positioning his body over hers while she was nestling his cock back against her. A softly eager grunt escaped him, but still Hunter let her do it: there was something thrilling in letting her decide when he... His groan was a lot louder when she finally rolled her hips and took him inside.

He answered Emilia's shudder with a huffing pant of breath, breathed over her cheek while he gazed down at her: maintaining eye contact while she breathed out those three beautiful words. "I dunno if stuck is the right word..." Hunter murmured. He stroked his hand from her cheek to her throat, mouthing a kiss on the bottom of her lip as his palm was sliding into place. "Looks like you're closer to stuck than me." He gave his hips a deliberate roll, shifting himself inside of her to emphasize all of the ways she was stuck with - and by - him.

His mouth settled over Emilia's before she could answer, and he stroked his tongue into her mouth while his hips started to stroke in earnest. It was a gradually building pace: as steady as the tongue he was rubbing against hers, nearly in time with the stroking of his hips. He moaned into her mouth, swapping breaths while he worked his hips with steady, driving pressure. His hand remained on her throat the whole time: a softer, more enduring pressure. When he finally broke the kiss and tilted his head back enough to look down at her, he kept his hand where it was, exerting enough force to hold Emilia down. "You're so fuckin' beautiful." His voice had a clear husk in it, and the next shift of his hips was firmer than the rest. Hunter groaned while he was sliding his hands down her body: groping a breast on his way down to her hips.

Once he had a hold on her, Hunter moved toward the edge of the bed, bringing her with him so their hips remained connected until his foot settled on the floor. A quiet grunt was surprised out of him, courtesy of the ledge, but he kept his balance easily: hard to fall anywhere when Emi was as wrapped around him as he was around her. He kept one knee braced on the mattress while his other leg served as leverage, adding extra power behind his hips when he started thrusting again. Hunter leaned down to mouth a toothy kiss into Emi's neck, but he didn't stay down for long. He liked watching her face change as he was driving into her.

Hunter's hand settled high on Emilia's cheek, a claiming touch. It became even more possessive when his thumb swiped over her mouth and slowly pushed its way between her lips: giving her the tip to suck on while he kept up his firm pace. But as pleasurable as the position was, it was too disconnected. Emilia was too far away, and he needed... Starlight, he needed her. A shift of his knee had him shifting them both up on the bed, and his hips nudged more firmly into hers while he panted a breath over her mouth. "I love you so much," he muttered in a raw voice, returning her sentiment from earlier. Hunter covered Emilia's mouth in a kiss that gave away how necessary she was in his life, and when he finally pulled back it was only enough to stroke his hand over her throat again while his other hand found hers on the mattress; intertwining their fingers together for a lasting hold as he drove into her again and again and again.

All she managed was a pleased noise when his hand found her throat and her attempt to get a kiss when he mouthed his own kiss at her bottom lip was fruitless. Not that she had any room to complain when, "Uhng.", she noise when he rolled his hips into her. Any other soft noises she had for him, and she had plenty, he swallowed with his mouth settling over her own so that his tongue could stroke against her's.

Emilia's hands had already moved from his face to curl underneath his arms so that she could rest them against his back. Fingertips pressing down with enough pressure that he'd know they were there without yet digging her nails into him. His moan into her mouth was nearly perfectly timed with a sharp inhale of her own while she shifted her legs just a little. Spreading them further apart to deepen the stroke of his driving hips to pull more pitiful noises out of her until suddenly he was breaking the kiss and tilting his head back. A gesture big enough to make her grumble a little but she still gazed up at him lovingly, lustfully, and his words did well to bring a smirk to her lips.

She was about to return the sentiment when he drove his hips into her more firmly and earned a gasping moan as her nails finally dug into his back for a brief moment. After that they were moving, or rather he was moving them, closer to the edge of the bed and she did her best to help instead of hinder. "Hunter.", she gasped at his quiet grunt with a heavy look that indicated she kinda forgot all about the ledge being there. The surprise faded the moment he got a knee braced on the mattress and started thrusting into her again. Forcing her to lull her head back more than a little as she opened her mouth around another breathy moan, "Guh...Hun--ter...", she managed to get out with an entirely different inflection in her tone.

His toothy kiss earned him another low noise, this one coming more from her throat, before her eyes were searching to find his face again when he raised back up. Eyes half-lidded, mouth still slightly opened, and a face free of any worry a human could have had and instead replaced with nothing more than love, lust, and need. She'd kissed the tip of his thumb first before he pressed it between her lips when she happily suckled at it. Dancing and flicking her tongue over it when she could manage, though, plenty of moans were breathed against it, around it. The pressure was already getting harder to hide, her moans building in volume, and it was only thanks to his thumb that she hadn't been crying out just yet. Given her something to focus on but that wasn't going to work much longer.

Another gasping noise escaped her when he nudged them up on the bed and pressed his hips more firmly into her own. Opening her mouth against his words but all she could manage in the moment was a soft whimper of a noise in response. Especially when he was kissing her in a way that was enough for one of her hands to find his back again and slide her nails over him. Hard enough to leave red trails in their wake without breaking the skin before she was gasping again when his hand found her throat. Giving him a rumble from her throat that was meant to be more provoking than anything else. "H-Hunter...", she said in her own raw tone as she carefully bucked her hips up against his. Her inner walls already fluttering around him, though the proverbial cliff was something she was toeing and not yet falling over, while she arched her body up against his.

She wanted to tell him a million things, about how much she loved him, how much she needed him, about how happy she was that they were going to have a child...Yet, all she could manage was a moan louder than the rest as the hand on his hip suddenly jumped to the back of his head to pull his forehead down against her's. If words were going to fail her then she was going to try to say it with her eyes, or the way she pressed her nose against his, the way she tilted her head down until it was their chins pressed together so she could see his eyes more easily.

A low growl rumbled out of him while Emilia was skating her nails over his back, and the driving of his hips took on a rougher edge. Hunter would always rise to her challenge. He rumbled an answer out of his chest when she said his name like that, and he put more purpose behind his hips as she was arching her body against him. Hunter let her pull him down to her face, nudging their foreheads together while he panted a breath against her mouth. He stared down into her eyes for several driving moments, watching the way her face changed as he fucked the moans out of her. When he finally shifted his weight up and grabbed onto one leg, pulling her foot over his shoulder so he could drive into her at a new angle, Hunter still kept looking down at her. There was something more in his expression than simple lust.

They'd been together for long enough that Hunter could tell when the true desperation entered her voice. Most of the time, he let Emilia finish, but never on the first try. Her threshold was more sensitive than his, and he was nowhere near finished having his way with her. He pulled out suddenly, pushing her leg off his shoulder with a growling huff of breath, and smacked her clit: first with his dick and then with his hand. "You're not - Ready yet," he grumbled. Hunter spent several moments teasing Emilia with his cock; rubbing the head between her slit, sometimes letting it settle against her entrance without sliding inside.

"Not yet," Hunter hissed down at her while he was groping a hand over her breast. He teased her for a few more moments, before suddenly shifting his weight on the bed. "You stay there," he faux-growled at her, then made his way off the bed. He kept a small stash of sex toys in the wooden chest that they kept extra blankets in, tucked underneath the blankets in a smaller box. Hunter opened the top and pulled out a bunny tail butt plug. He glanced over at Emilia, measuring her with his eyes for a long, thoughtful moment... Then he reached into the box again and pulled out a small bottle of lube.

"You know what I'm going to do with this, don't you?" He asked on his way back on the bed again. Hunter held up the bunny tail so Emilia could see it. Hunter moved over her, deliberately not moving between her legs but settling on his knees at her side so he could shift forward and nudge his index finger at her mouth. "Suckle," Hunter ordered. He let her suck on the finger for several moments, wanting it to get nice and slick with her spit before he finally ordered her to "Open up" so she wouldn't suck the spit off while he was pulling his finger out. Then he gave Emilia a firm nudge, encouraging her to shift onto her side with one leg bent at the knee. Hunter sat over her, looking down at her with his head at an arrogant angle.

He was still watching Emilia when he stroked two fingers inside of her, one in either hole.

Her hard work on his index finger paid off, because it slicked the way enough for him to work both fingers at an energetic pace. "Pretty little bunny," Hunter growled down at her. After several moments of energetic fingering, he pulled both fingers out: still not letting Emilia get close enough to come. Not until he saw her in her tail. He grabbed it off the bed with a softly eager breath, using one hand to nudge Emilia more onto her stomach. "Ass up," he ordered. While Emilia was doing that, Hunter found the bottle of lube. He applied enough of the lube to slick the way, being generous because he didn't want to hurt her. Finally, Hunter settled the plug at her tight pucker: teasing her with the slick tip while he shifted his weight to better see her face. "Look at me." He waited until her eyes were on him before he slowly pushed the plug inside, going at a slow but steady pace that ensured she would feel every inch of the plug stretching its way into her.

Once the plug was firmly seated in her bum, Hunter gave it a playful wiggle. "How's that feel?"

"Shit...", she hissed when he suddenly shifted his weight and pulled one of her legs over his shoulder. Leaving him thudding against her in such a way that had her upper body trying to twist away for no real reason other than he was fucking the common sense out of her. All she really managed though was getting a shoulder slightly against the bed before she was grabbing at the sheets. "H-Hun---ohgod.", she panted before a series of moans took away her ability to anything but voice them. Her eyes had just started to roll back a little and her body was wanting more than anything to clench up around him for the release it would promise. But just as she felt the edge hitting, he pulled out and all she could give him was a frustrated whine of a noise, and twist her neck so she was looking back up at him again. No longer trying to contort herself into the bed.

Her first instinct was to press her thighs together but Hunter certainly wasn't going to allow that and she...A sharp noise pushed out of her throat when he smacked her first with his cock then again with his hand. The vibrations from both were enough to cause her to clench up and lean up on her elbows before giving him a heavy look. With maybe a bit of a threat hiding behind those half-lidded eyes. "I wa---", her head lulled back as her words turned into a satisfied breath as he started teasing at her clit again. Followed shortly by another whimpering moan that was more pleading than anything else. It didn't take her long to fall back onto the bed again with a huff of a breath and moan rolled together in one seamless noise.

Emilia knew Hunter more than she probably knew herself so she knew well enough not to push her luck by trying to press him inside of her during those moments where he was tucked against her. As tempting as it was. As frustrated as she was. But the look she gave him when he was hissing down at her and groping a breast was nothing short of pleading again...Enough so that when he shifted on the bed and moved away she was practically growling with her frustration. Pulling the blankets over her head for a moment before she pushed them away and turned her head to watch him. Though she never moved out of the position he'd left her in, the only movement she made was the less than steady rise and fall of her chest with her breathing. Still more considered panting than anything else, really.

"Mmmmhmmmm...", she hummed lazily before a more substantial yet breathy, "Yes.", finally came forth. Still she didn't move. Her eyes glued to him as he moved onto the bed and beside her but she'd only spared that first initial glance to the bunny tail. Her eyes were for the man she loved.

Emilia opened her lips around his finger before leaning her head up enough to take it in entirety into her mouth. Not only suckling but pulling more saliva into her mouth to slick it before her lips popped open when he'd told her to do as much. She let her head fall back to the bed again just before he nudged her onto her side and she helped bring a knee high before glancing back to see that arrogant angle. Such a simple thing shouldn't have sent a chill through her but it paired well with his invading fingers which easily pulled a harsh noise out of her. Not exactly a moan, there was nothing delicate about it. "Oh...oh...", she tried to say something but it was the only word she could get out before a hand shot to his wrist.

She couldn't help but shift her hips a little back against him until...until..."Dammit.", she growled when he pulled his fingers out of her because the pressure was nearly enough to let her find that sweet release. She was still growling when she got nudged onto her stomach and even still while she poised her ass high in the air for him. Tucking her hands underneath her chest while keeping her knees spread apart that left her completely, utterly open to him. Using the time wisely while he was lubing up the plug to bounce her ass at him which didn't really last long at all. Not when she shuddered at the feel of him settling the plug against her, not when he was teasing her with the tip of it. Especially not when she was shifting enough to put her shoulders fully against the bed so she could look over one of them at him.

As soon as he started pressing it inside of her she exhaled a long breath to keep her body from clenching up too tightly. But that long breath soon turned into a drawn out groaning noise as her jaw slacked open and her eyes rolled back into her head. The further he pressed it in the more drastic the angle of her back got until everything but her hips and ass were pressed against the bed. "Guh...Good.", she managed to say before she shifted enough to crawl forward a few feet before she wiggled her ass herself. "Nearly perfect....", she trailed off before she was crawling backwards towards him and reaching a hand behind her to place his cock over her crack and the tail. Then she was rubbing not only her ass but her tail against him slowly, teasingly, as she said in a soft...and oddly innocent tone, "Please..."

The noises that came out of Emilia while he was fingerbanging her were almost enough to make him let her come right then and there. That was what made it feel so damn good to deny the orgasm from her: he was saying no to both of them, and he shared in her frustration when she started growling at him. Didn't stop him from rumbling back in answer, but he was appeased once Emilia started shifting her ass into the air. Hunter was more than that once she was fully in position, totally open for his viewing pleasure. He was taking a moment to appreciate that when Emilia started bouncing her ass at him. Hunter had to fight a quick and dirty battle with himself to keep from taking her right then and there, giving her something real to bounce on...

But he was rewarded for his self control once he started pushing the plug inside of her. The groan was pleasing enough, but his real prize was how dramatic the angle of her back got by the time it was seated all the way in her ass. "Good," Hunter rumbled back at her, echoing her sentiment because that was all he had the focus to do at the moment. Every other iota of his attention narrowed in on a very specific part of Emilia. So when she started crawling backwards toward him, Hunter couldn't resist reaching out to set his hands on her hips and help guide her where they both wanted her to go.

He rumbled with pleasure while she was teasingly rubbing her tail against him, shifting his hips to try and get a little more contact out of her. "Since you asked so nicely," Hunter turned to rumble the words near her ear. He lifted his mouth seconds later, but his hands were quick to take its place: one hand pulling her hair up off the back of her neck while his other palm followed it up to cradle the back of her head. "But not like this." He was firm but careful when he pushed Emilia off his lap and onto the bed. It was enough to send her in a sprawl, but he mae sure it was a controlled fall.

A commanding nudge of his body shifted Emilia fully onto her back, and he pinned her into place with his palm on her throat. Hunter gazed down at her, his eyes firm on her face, while he used his other hand to guide his way into her again. He pushed his way in slowly, enjoying the added pressure of the plug's knob stretching her inner walls. "Perfect," Hunter breathed while one of his hands stroked up her body to grope over a breast. He held Emilia by the throat and tit while he started to thrust into her, giving her only a few moments to get used to having both him and the plug in her before he picked up the pace.

His hips were still working in and out of her when he leaned forward suddenly, shifting his hand from her throat to her chin to pull her into a kiss. Once Hunter was stroking his tongue into Emilia's mouth, he stroked his fingers back down to loosely grab her by the throat again. They didn't get to enjoy the position for much longer: a whim made Hunter roll them mid-thrust, and his efforts not to flatten her underneath him meant he slid out of her. But he still got Emilia where he wanted her, on her stomach instead of her back, and he shifted his weight so he'd have a nice view of her tail when he pushed into her from behind.

"Fuck..." Hunter breathed appreciatively. He shifted over her body, supporting himself with one arm while he used his other hand to grab her under the chin and tilt her head back into another kiss. Hunter's hips moved througout the prolonged kiss, though his mouth stuttered against hers every few thrusts from how fucking good she felt. There was an edge in his panting breaths when he finally broke the kiss, and he shifted his weight back. Hunter wasted no time in grabbing a handful of her hair in a faux ponytail and pulling her with him: getting Emilia on her hands and knees so he'd have a new sort of leverage for his increasingly rough thrusts. He used the grip on her hair to pull Emilia back on his cock with every inward driving thrust, adding an extra 'oomph' every time he bottomed out in her.

"Go-God, 'Milia," Hunter groaned. "So-- fucking -- good."

Emilia had half of a mind to growl at him again when he said something about 'not like this' but too soon was she letting out a squeak of a noise when he pushed her forward. It was controlled enough that she barely made an 'umph' of a noise before he was nuding her onto her back. Those brown eyes full of some mixture of emotions when they finally found his face and his hand found her throat. Purposefully sending a rumble to vibrate against his hand as she gazed up at him with eyes that were more need than want. Still that dangerous mixture of love and lust dancing behind them but it was starting to get dwarfed with the need. Her jaw slacked again when he started pressing inside of her again and a long hiss of a breath pressed out of her at the pressure. Not only a single pressure any longer and certainly enough to shift that breath into a considerable moan.

"Gnngh, Hunter...", she breathed out just before his hips finally started their thrusting motion. It didn't take long for him to pull more wanton noises from her as one of her hands found the bedding so she could grip at it. She was sure she was pulling the fitted sheets from the mattress but...she really didn't give a shit when he was thudding into her like that. Each inward thrust pulling garbled versions of his name out of her before she more felt than saw him shifting over her.

The kiss she returned couldn't have been considered neat by any means because she was still too distracted by his cock thrusting into her and the constant pressure of the plug. He got more panted breaths and sloppy tongue work than she would have liked but...Another loud noise escaped her when suddenly he was shifting them and she was tucked underneath him again. Raising her hips a little while he pressed into her again while a huff of a breath washed over the bedding that she nearly tried to bury her face into. It was an aborted attempt, really, because her body was too conflicted on what it was supposed to be doing. He hadn't even picked up the pacing yet and he was already making her senseless.

Instead, she pushed her hands out in front of her when he grabbed her under the chin and tilted her head back for another kiss. This one she managed to return, mostly, though it was still pretty fucking sloppy. More than a few moans ended up getting pressed into the kiss, into his mouth. And more than a few times she ended up gasping some of his own breath from his throat when he stroked over that sweet spot and made her body flutter around him. The pressure building in her at that point was relentless and with each stroke of his hips he was adding more to it. To the point that when he grabbed her hair and pulled her up onto her hands and knees that she was more whimpering than moaning. "Sh---", she tried to say something but all it turned into was a guttural noise in the end.

Reaching a hand behind her she tapped him on the wrist to get him to pause his hips for a moment so she could bounce herself back on his cock. Something that was repeated more than a couple of times before it shifted to something else that had her upper body collapsing to the bed. "Hunter....", the rest of what she had to say got caught in her throat. ...I can't stop it...I'm going to..., "....going to...". The jerky way her hips got, the way she started clenching around him as she buried him into her, the way her entire body seized and she gasped out loudly. Burying her shoulder in the bed and tugging against the hand in her hair so she could angle her face so he could see. See her eyes roll back into her head as her entire face slacked with the waves of the orgasm crashing over her. Still, with him buried deep inside of her and surrounded with her spasming walls, she grinded her hips against him as softer, whimpering moans poured from her mouth. "Hunter.", she breathed in a moan before she bucked against his hips again and made her walls vice around him even tighter.

He was mid-thrust when Emilia tapped him on the wrist. Hunter grunted low in his throat as he came to a stop, breathing in deep breaths while she was fucking herself on his cock. "G-Guh," he groaned. One of his hands settled on her ass, and he grunted when he felt her upper body collapsing to the bed. "G'on," it was all he had the presence of mind to say in the moment, but it served enough as giving her permission. He moaned, loosening the grip he had in her hair the moment she tugged against it, and gazed down at her as she fluttered and twitched and flexed around his cock. "Em, f-fuck," Hunter groaned. He shifted his weight over her, setting both hands on on either side of her body to anchor his weight while he thrust into her. Hunter took her through her orgasm, aiming to nudge against her sweet spot even while she was spasming around him.

The way she said his name felt too fucking good, and he wanted to hear it again. But Hunter's stamina was reaching its end point, especially with the way Emilia's body was milking him. He changed his angle a bit by moving his arms as he drilled into her, breathing out in ragged pants. "Emi," he moaned. One hand settled on the back of her neck, holding her down as his thrusts reached a rhythmless peak. He huffed while pushing in the last time, his cock spasming inside of her as he filled her with his seed. "Baby," he groaned breathlessly. Hunter leaned in to press a kiss to her shoulder, still seated firmly in her, and carefully settled his weight over hers: laying over her. Hunter could feel her bunny tail pressing against him, but he didn't care. He didn't want to move right away.

A few moments later, he groaned quietly and slowly rolled to the side, pulling out of her as he landed on their bed on his back. "Alright," Hunter grumbled. "I like your wake up call better'n mine, too." He'd only brought coffee, after all, and Emilia had brought herself. Not a damn contest as far as he was concerned. "C'mere." He lifted an arm in lazy invitation, reaching for her to encourage her to snuggle under his arm and into his side. Hunter pulled her close, wrapping a protective arm around her while he pressed kisses into her forehead. Hunter nuzzled his mouth over the top of her head and breathed out a content sigh. This was how he wanted every morning to start for the rest of his damn life.

He thought about the ring he had in a safe hidden under the floor, and how much better it'd look on a certain young woman's finger... Several minutes passed before Hunter finally found the motivation to pull out of the tangle of limbs that he and Emilia had become. "You'n Bean need to eat," he said. "Scrambled eggs and toast, right? Maybe some bacon?" The look he slanted Emilia's way was teasing, because of course there was going to be bacon. "I can manage that, if you want to stay in bed or whatever." Hunter leaned in to give Emilia a lingering kiss, before finally pulling away. "Should leave that in," he said on his way to his feet, gesturing at the tail still firmly seated in her ass. Hunter gave her a roguish grin while pulling on a pair of pajama pants. He picked up their clothes on his way to the stairs, figuring he could at least put them in the wash... Which, all by itself, was further proof that Emi had tamed him.

What Hunter didn't realize at the time was that by taking Emilia's pants, he was taking her cellphone, too. He only figured it out after he was downstairs and putting the clothes in the washer - another one of those 'necessities,' but he insisted on only hang drying when they were on the mainland - because the phone made a clanking noise on its way in. "Shit..." Hunter muttered. He dug around for it, tugged it out of Emilia's pocket, and that made him check all of the other pockets. Nothing else interesting, so he started the wash and slid her phone into the pocket of his pajama pants. Hunter didn't pay it much attention on his way to the special floor board in the small closet, that he pried up to get to the small safe inside. He was turning the dial for the combination when Emilia's phone buzzed the first time, so he ignored it. The second time it buzzed, Hunter had just pulled the velvet box out of the safe. He was just about to open the ring box, but her phone buzzed again. Grumbling out a noise, he pocketed the box and pulled her phone out of the other side. A grumpy sweep of his eyes proved that she was still getting alerts from work.

"Emi..." Hunter had only a moment to grumble about that before he absorbed what the alert was telling him. One of her security face scanners had hit a match: there was a wanted felon on her island resort, and judging from the assassin style killings he'd been pegged for in the past... Hunter didn't think the bastard was there to relax. Contract killer, that was what Raphael's perp sheet made him out to be, which meant it was likely someone in the resort was scheduled to die. He was still trying to figure out what he was going to do with the information when he closed up the safe and set the trick floorboard back into place, but Hunter already knew one thing for sure. With their baby on the way and this supposed to be her vacation, Emilia didn't need to know.

Just when she thought her body was going to relax and succumb to the pleasurable feeling after the release, well, his shifted angle ensured that wasn't going to happen yet. "H-H-Hunnn--", the rest of his name got stuck in her throat as she gasped loudly. If he was working to prolong her orgasm then he'd done a perfect damn job of it. Her thighs started to quiver underneath him and too soon was her face buried in the bed while she was screaming out for him. Hands drifting without a rhyme or reason above her head before looking like they were going to grab the blanket but instead they just flexed out straight. She was reduced to whimpering pants as her walls fluttered more around him then finally clenched tightly and slowly started to relax. Mere moments before he pressed inside of her and that warm feeling flooded her, that content and full feeling. All she could manage for his Baby was a wordless noise with the same inflection he'd used because, well, words were far too complicated for he hazed he'd fucked her into.

Emilia was a breathing ragdoll underneath him and was still pretty much the same when he rolled off and out of her. She did, however, manage a huff of a laugh at his grumbling before she hummed, "Mmmmhmmmm." All too happy to roll into his arms for a proper snuggle that she honestly could have stayed in for the rest of the day. Nuzzling her own face into his chest while tucking a claiming leg over his own, "Who needs coffee....", she muttered against him lazily.

She was groaning when he started pulling out of the snuggle and huffed a little when he mentioned that she and the bean needed to eat. Not that she could argue with it. Those brown eyes narrowed at him when he used the word 'maybe' with bacon even if his look was teasing, her's wasn't, there'd better be bacon. Another groan rolled out of her before he pressed that lingering kiss on her lips that she was eager to return before rolling onto her stomach to sprawl over the bed. Still watching him as she wiggled her ass at him a little, "I need a shower.", she muttered while scrunching up her nose but she wasn't really showing many signs of wanting to move out of the bed. Honestly, she was just waiting for the feeling to return to her legs completely before she tried to stand up. Well, that and she wanted to just lay there and watch him gather up the clothes with her own lingering thought about how much she wanted this for, well, ever.

It took her a few minutes to get out of bed but when she finally did and managed to get to the bathroom she wasn't dragging her feet as much. Literally. A solar powered hot water heater was the latest thing she'd talked him into letting her get at the cabin because she very well couldn't shower without hot water. She could, she just didn't like to. Emilia had always been the type of girl that could easily 'rough it' but she had certain luxuries that she wanted to have around. And right now, she wanted the hottest water she could get without burning herself. Yes, she left her tail where it had been put since the pressure was already something she was getting accustomed to. Though, getting it wet was a bit of a problem that she hadn't been thinking about until after she was getting out of the shower. It took a lot of drying, fluffing even, but after a solid thirty minutes she was finally headed out of the bathroom. Wearing a pale pink dress and already pulling her hair up into a pony tail as she made her way into the kitchen.

Eyeballing the bacon he'd already cooked before she snagged one quickly on her way by with a grin, "What are our plans today?", she asked before taking a bite of the bacon and leaning back against the counter not too far from him. She'd promised no working as long as he followed the same guidelines, so really, she was already trying to think of what they could do without going back up to the resort. "We could visit the ducks, they can teach me how to waddle ahead of time...", she teased then finished the bacon off. Truth was she'd warned all of the resort employees that she wasn't to be bothered even if she did show up on the grounds. Her assistant was probably in a living hell at the moment but this was a vacation for a reason, "...I want you to decide, I drag you around plenty anyways.", she said with a grin while walking up behind him to press up on her toes and kiss the back of his neck.

After a moment she finally settled herself at the table with a jug of OJ and two cups, carefully sitting, which wasn't easy until she realized the trick was to sit more on an ass cheek than her entire ass. Pouring herself some, then some in the glass for Hunter, before she pushed his to his chair and took up her own for a long drink. Slowly she glanced towards the loft, "I left the coffee up there...", she said with a frown and scrunched up nose.

There was more than enough time to get the safe put away and the ring box locked inside his roll top desk in the living area. Hunter locked the lid and instead of putting the key in its usual hiding place, he put it in his wallet. Emilia would still probably think to get into his wallet if she was trying to get in the desk for some reason, but by taking the key he was making a subtle request for privacy that he knew she'd respect. Besides, the ring wasn't going to stay in the desk for long.

Once that was settled, Hunter got to work on cooking breakfast. He wasn't exactly comfortable in the kitchen, but he could scramble an egg without embarrassing himself. The bacon was on the crispy side and the toast a little underdone, but everything was edible. Emilia earned a lingering smirk when she mentioned the ducks, and he made a low rumble of a noise when she kissed the back of his neck. "You know that map I had that mainlander make for us?" The digital maps were accurate, but nothing could beat something made - or at least annotated - by a hand that'd personally walked the land. "The river is pretty calm. There's some rapids, but we could navigate around them." Hunter normally would have wanted to go down the rapids, but everything in their lives was being changed by a bean. "Could raft or kayak it," he mused.

Hunter's attention shifted more to Emilia while she was getting the orange juice, and he couldn't help but smirk when he noticed how carefully she was sitting. "You still a bunny?" The quirk to his grin was unmistakable, and on his way to standing he leaned in to press a swift kiss on the top of her head. "It's cold by now anyway. I'll make more. You eat." Hunter made two fresh cups of coffee - still decaf, and hers still the way she liked - and brought them over to the table. "Bioluminiscence fishing is big this time of year," he added. The lakes were planted with a special moss that lit up at night, and since the fish fed on the moss they lit up, too.

"But I was thinkin'," he said pseudo casually, "We ought to go back to the resort. Not to work," Hunter gave her a firm look that was a little firmer because he knew she'd still been getting alerts on her phone. It was sitting on top of the washer, waiting for her to notice it and totally wiped of every mention of Raphael. "But they've got those fancy massage people, don't they? I've got this, uh, crick in my shoulder..." He gave it a roll to emphasize the soreness. It wasn't exactly a lie - Hunter was both grizzled and old, so most of him ached most of the time - but he'd been adamant about not getting massages for as long as they'd known each other.

Didn't really fly as a cover story, until Hunter tilted his head to the side and said just as casually, "And your sister said something about a... Hot stone massage, last time she talked to me?" He shook his head. Most of what Eileen said went in one ear and out the other, but he'd remembered the hot stone massage because he'd thought it was something Emilia should try. "Think you should do that... Or, something," he said, because he knew when it came to most things the Vanderbuck sisters were wildly different. "Practice being the client instead of the boss." He was making it obvious that he was choosing the resort for her as a false flag: Emilia knew him well enough to know when he was hiding something from her, so he was hoping she'd accept it had everything to do with his trying to spoil her now that she was pregnant.

Which, of course it did, but now he had another purpose: keeping Emilia relaxed, happy, and contained so he could neutralize the problem at Paradisum. Hunter piled some eggs onto his toast and took a bite of the makeshift sandwich. He was mostly done chewing when he started to talk again. "So we can do the spa," the look he gave her implied she'd be doing the spa, so he wasn't really lying to her about that. "Then tonight, glow fishing? I'll get us our own boat, take you to some of the spots on the map I had that mainlander make for us..." He hoped he'd have the problem figured out and contained by then.

"Oooooh, I like the sound of that!", she said happily though in all honesty she was masking the fact that they both knew they couldn't do the rapids. She loved them, for all the three times she'd been on them, but it was another one of those things to adjust for the next 7 months. Well, actually, she had to pause to think about it but it'd probably be another two months on top of that before she could bring herself to get back into a swing of things. Or at least learn the new swing of things when bean wasn't a bean anymore. Of course, she'd have her parents babysit and she was sure Hunter's mother would love to have time with the baby...not to mention her sister. Though the thought of watching Eileen deal with a baby was enough to have her grinning a little. Which timed well with his question about her still being a bunny and only forced the grin to twist a little when she focused on him, "A bunny with an appetite.", she scrunched her nose at him while taking up her fork.

The grin fading to a smirk when he stood and pressed a kiss on the top of her head before she started eating her eggs and bacon. Emilia ate with a little less grace and a little more determination to get the food in her belly before the heartburn started. It was stupid, really, she could eat a piece of bread and get heartburn from it. Her employees kept trying to tell her that was a sign that the baby was going to have hair when it was born but...she wasn't entirely sure a baby at that stage could have hair. Not that she really knew anyways. "Thank youuuuu.", she drew the word out and smiled up at him before taking her cup and holding it with two hands. Sipping at it and watching him over the rim while he was talking about the bioluminiscent fishing.

Setting her cup of coffee back down she grabbed up a piece of her toast and started on it as he continued. Arching a brow and chewing when he mentioned going back to the resort but the firm look had her holding up her empty hand in a defensive gesture. "I'm not working.", she said around her food with the toast holding hand covering her mouth. It wasn't exactly polite but...he'd rubbed off on her as much as she'd possibly rubbed off on him. Her eyes shifted to his shoulder when he mentioned a crick in it and she started to frown a little, "I can give massages, too.", she added then finished off the piece of toast and picked up her coffee again while she chewed and swallowed it. She wasn't really sure what was going on, Hunter didn't like massages from the staff at the resort, he'd gone out of his way to avoid them in the past. "A massage could be nice.", she said softly before taking a quick drink. But the long look she gave him was more measuring than anything really, like she was looking for a reason why he'd be wanting to go to the resort.

"Both of us getting massages, yeah?", she asked while putting her cup down and grabbing up her last crispy strip of bacon. Using it to point at him, "You ain't takin' me to the spa and not getting something done for that shoulder.", wiggling the bacon at him a little before smiling softly. Then, slowly, she nodded her head, "Sounds like a perfect day but, seriously, massage then maybe I can even talk you into a manicure.", she sounded dead serious but something tugging at the corner of her lips betrayed that. Taking a bite of the bacon she watched him for a moment longer, more loving than measuring but certainly still doing it, "You never want to go to the spa, you better not be up to something, Hunter.", she warned him then finished off the bacon slice.

After a few more long moments she finally was finished with her food, nearly ate all of it, and was pushing herself out of her seat. Taking her plate up and making sure he was done with his as well before she took his. "I'll clean up the kitchen while you get dressed? And text Hannah to reserve some spots for us, deep tissue for you and hot stone for me. Best we spoil ourselves while it's still just us...so...great idea.", she smirked then leaned down to give him a kiss before taking their dishes to the kitchen.

He frowned at Emilia for frowning at him. "I know you can, but this is your vacation too. You're supposed to be taking it easy." Wasn't only because of their bean that he wanted her to take it easy, either. She was always working at her damn resort, and he thought she'd earned at least a couple of days of only having to think about herself (okay, and maybe him too). She was so fucking perfect, trying to look fierce while pointing her piece of bacon at him to make a point. Hunter debated trying to snatch it out of her fingers, but decided he liked watching her eat it more than teasing her about not being able to eat it. "I'll book appointments for us both," Hunter was quick to agree. He could be wily as any coyote when he wanted to be, and while he didn't like to deliberately lie to Emilia... He could and would dance around the truth for as long as he had to in order to do whatever he needed to do. Hunter only ever acted in her best interest, and he had a proprietary feeling about Emi that made him feel like that was okay. Same way he felt about his daughter, but with a lot more possessiveness behind it.

Hunter grumbled when Emilia brought up getting him a manicure. "I'm not up to anything," he said firmly. "We're on vacation, and that's what you're supposed to do. Get massages and shit. You wanna get your nails painted, though... I'm not complaining." He tilted his head to an arrogant angle and said, "I like it when you paint your toes." The lingering look that Hunter gave her lasted while she was reaching for his plate across the table. Hunter caught Emilia lightly by the hip during their kiss, holding her in it for several moments longer before he finally let her go to deal with the kitchen. "Gonna use your phone to talk to Hannah. I don't have her number," he said on her way out. "Found it in your clothes this morning, but I'll leave it for you on the wash." He hadn't left a huge mess in the kitchen, but none of the dishes he'd used to cook had been cleaned yet.

He grabbed Emilia's phone on his way over to the roll top desk, which he unlocked long enough to take the ring out again. Hunter pocketed the ring box, locked the desk again, and put the key back in its rightful place. Then he texted Hannah about their massages, which required answers to irritating questions like 'what package did they want' that he didn't necessarily know the answers to. That was how they ended up scheduled for a couple's massage without Hunter understanding that meant they'd be in the same room during the massage: he just told Hannah to give them the best, then grumpily set the phone on the wash and headed up the stairs. Whoever thought texting was a good means of communication was not as smart as him.

But men as smart as him still had problems. Hunter needed someone to scout for him, and Casper and Rory were taking some well deserved time off... He thought for a moment, then scrambled into his bag for his personal phone. He was indifferent about most of Emilia's staff, but there was one young, helpful idiot who stood out because he worked so much. Mikey had been working at the Paradisum for several years, and was a familiar face at the front desk - at least to Hunter. He was the one he texted a picture of Raphael to, asking him to do what he could to discretely keep an eye out for him. Hunter emphasized the discretely several times and hoped for the best when Mikey texted back saying he was happy to help.

Hunter put it out of his mind while taking a quick shower and getting dressed. He was lucky that Emilia was still busy downstairs at that point, because otherwise she might've caught him taking out some of his work related gadgets he didn't want her to see; like his work phone. Nothing he could do about her noticing the gun he was carrying in a shoulder holster under his shirt, but she already knew his excuse for that. He never went anywhere without it. He had a few other things to pack into a bag, which he then filled with clean clothes for both of them. Satisfied that he'd done everything he could to prepare for the delicate dance he was abut to do, Hunter picked the bag up and headed downstairs to find Emilia.

"Figured I should grab us a change of clothes, in case we go from the massage straight to the fishing." Hunter gave her a long look and a subtle smile. "Hannah's sending a shuttle over," he said. "She asks a lot of questions." He didn't really mean his grumblings, but it gave him something to say as he drew Emilia into his arms: pulling her close while he nosed into the side of her neck. The arm around her back encouraged her to stay close while he settled his face more into the crook of her neck and shoulder, breathing in her scent. Hunter nuzzled a few kisses up her neck to her chin, then finally her mouth. The grip he had on the side of her face was firm but loving: holding her in only because of how much he needed her. They were still kissing when the shuttle arrived. Hunter made a low rumbling noise in his chest, then picked Emilia up. He carried her like that out the door, holding the bag by a finger, and peppered her mouth with kisses all the way to the shuttle itself. The driver had the door already open for them, so all he had to do was set Emilia inside and climb in after her.

"So a mani-pedi then.", she teased quickly on her way to the kitchen with a long enough pause while she put the dishes by the sink. "Okay, baby! Thank you!", she called out enthusiastically. She probably wouldn't openly admit it but she was more thrilled with the idea of them going to the spa together than she was acting. Getting him to visit it had been like pulling teeth and she'd never accomplished it. Plus, maybe, she had her own ulterior motives of doing some minor checking on the resort while she was around. Just make sure all of the right wheels were greased and running smoothly because that wasn't really working was it? Surely just getting a look at things and maybe hearing a few updates could slide especially if she made sure she did it at the right time. But she wasn't going to work! Not really. They needed the break and she clearly needed to get her pedicure done by somebody with a steadier hand than she had. Which was why she'd been going 'natural' on her fingers and toes for the past month, all she ever did was make a mess with nail polish.

There wasn't really much to clean up in the kitchen, a few dishes and pans, but nothing that kept her too busy for too long. By the time he was heading upstairs to get ready she was moving around to find her boots though by the time she found them and got them on her feet all she could do was growl. She'd barely stood up in them and they already felt like the most uncomfortable shoes ever invented. So with a frustrated huff she, stupidly, plopped back down to take them off and squeaked out a soft noise due to the impact hitting her tail a little rougher than intended. Glancing upstairs she could still hear the water running so figured he hadn't heard her which meant she could pull the boots off and root around the room for her other pair of boots instead.

"Aha!", she exclaimed and pulled them out from underneath the couch. Carefully sitting again so she could pull the second pair of boots on and pop up to her feet with a small bounce. "Much better.", she mused to herself before the hunt for her jacket began. She really didn't need it, the resort rarely got cold unless they wanted it to and right now the warm weather atmosphere was selling better. It took a lot more digging around to find her jacket than she'd expected but she managed to get it on and get to the bathroom to check herself and get back to the living room area before Hunter was coming back downstairs. She was in the process of putting some cherry chapstick on her lips when he started towards her. Shoving it into her pocket and returning that subtle smile, though not as subtly, "You really are thinking of everything...", she praised him before nodding a little and chuckling, "That's her job, babe." Slipping her arms up around his neck while he was pulling her close and nosing into the side of her neck. She hummed softly into his nuzzling and kisses before she was returning the kiss to her lips with just as much love and need as he was giving her.

Emilia squeaked when he lifted her up though she didn't waste any time in making sure her legs were squeezing against his sides to help keep herself up. Half-giggling and half-returning his peppering of kisses on the way out the door and towards the shuttle which she was a little less reluctant to let go of him to get into. But she did. Flashing a smile to the driver before she scooted over to give Hunter room to get in then shifting herself onto a single ass cheek. It kept the pressure from the tail less...distracting, though it was still that, but also allowed her to lean against him. Though that wasn't enough and she was soon snuggling her way underneath his arm so that it draped over her shoulders so she could rest her head on his chest. "We can have the kitchen make us a basket of fruit for fishing.", she said randomly while slanting a look up at him.

"Ooooh, or chocolate!", grinning a bit more.

The shuttle to the resort took about three minutes tops before they were landing in the private shuttle area and the driver was opening their door. Emilia, of course, let Hunter get out firsts but followed quickly behind him with a bit of a bounce to her step. Obviously thrilled not only from that but from the way she kept grinning happily. "C'mon, we can put the bag in the office or a locker and get to our massage....", taking his hand she walked backwards for a few steps while tugging him along. Though she paused long enough to press up on her toes and give him another kiss before she was slipping up against his side again. Wrapping her arm around his waist and not-quite-leading them into the Spa area of the resort, which they'd just redone to get a more 'calming' effect, really it was just a hallway. Their new spa director had been adamant about not using a lobby area for people to gather in and instead using private rooms or outdoor areas if people wanted to socialize. The director claimed leaving it just private rooms indoors would give people more of that 'calming' effect when they had the entire rest of the resort to socialize.

Hannah was waiting for them at the middle of the hallway with a massive smile on her own mouth directed at the both of them. "Didn't think we'd ever get both of you in here.", she teased before glancing down to her tablet.

"Me either.", Emi responded before smirking up at Hunter before taking a few steps forward to peek over the edge of Hannah's tablet.

"No working, you told me not to let you.", Hannah frowned and pulled the tablet to her chest before faux-glaring at Emilia. "We got you both in the Deluxe room and I went ahead and added an herbal bath to the massages for you.", the petite blonde looked proud of herself before turning on her heel and heading now the hall but expecting them to follow. Emilia nudged both herself and Hunter into following her to their room where Hannah was holding the door open then shifting her attention to Hunter and his bag. "Do you want me to put that away for you? There's robes on the tables, the bath will stay fresh so if you want to use it now or after the massages...either is fine. You'll just have to press the button when you're ready for the masseuses.", she tapped near a sleek black button on the wall near the door.

Making Emilia giggle on their way out to the shuttle left him feeling pretty damn good about himself. Hunter got into the shuttle after her an wasted no time in snugging his arm around her shoulders, looking down with a special half smile he normally reserved for her. He didn't try to bite back the chuckle that rumbled out of him when she 'ooohed' over the idea of a basket of chocolate. "Good idea." Hunter slanted a lingeringly fond grin at her and lightly tapped her on the nose. "I'll figure that out," he was saying when the shuttle landed. "Maybe do a whole picnic or something..." Hunter offered Emilia a hand as she was getting out of the shuttle, and damn did she ever make it hard not to smile like an idiot all the time. He loved seeing that bounce in her step and how happy her grins and smiles were. He squeezed her hand lightly in his, pleased she had reached for it to begin with, and couldn't help smiling into the short detour of their kiss. There were people who would've sworn up and down that he never smiled; but they were the ones who'd never seen him with Emi. Hunter's arm settled on her shoulders, holding her close on their way into the spa.

It was a nice place, he mused. Hunter hadn't been in there since the renovation, but he liked the solid weight of the marble. That was new, and it did make him feel calmer. He was only too happy to leave the small talk to Emi, which was far from out of the usual. He normally let her deal with whatever hired help they had to have, from waiters to whatever else. Hunter wasn't really paying attention to the chatter, though he made an encouraging sound when Hannah pulled her tablet out of Emilia's reach. So when Hannah asked about his bag, Hunter hesitated. "Uh -- wait, it's in the same room?" That was going to complicate matters, he thought with an internal swear. Hunter was a pretty stoic guy, but he had his tells; and Emi had definitely seen him make that not-quite-grimace before.

Hannah gave him a funny look, then laughed like she thought it was a joke. "Your bag, Mr. Edwards?"

"I'm..." Hunter slid his eyes to Emilia. Hold onto the bag and look even more suspicious, or give it up and trust the girl wouldn't snoop? "Alright. Yes, that would be good. Thank you." He was grumbly and reluctant about handing it over, but he was trying to arose as little suspicion as possible. Hannah left shortly after promising to look into getting a picnic basket put together for their night trip. There were some special additions to that picnic that Hunter wanted to arrange, but it wasn't something he could do with Emilia in the room. Made him think of that analogy about a juggler with too many balls in the air, but he could do it. With careful enough handling, he'd get everything figured out. Once Hannah was gone, he turned his attention to his soon-to-be-wife; trying out the word in his head. She was what made everything else worth it.

That was why he nudged her against the near wall for a lingering kiss once they were alone. "This place is really nice," Hunter rumbled down at her. "Dunno about this massage business, though... Seems like a lot of fuss for nothing." He nudged his nose against hers, swapping breaths with her while he looked warmly into her eyes.

His reluctance to get a massage from anyone who wasn't Emi had other reasons behind it. Hunter had gone through different phases in his life - whores, marriage, no strings attached friendships, and now Emi - and he'd gotten pretty damn content where he was now. He liked having only one woman who knew the right way to stroke his back so he'd go back to sleep. Hunter stroked his hand down her far side and nudged a kiss into the corner of her mouth. "Why don't you let me help you with those clothes, hmm? We offer full service here..." He pulled Emilia into him, his hand stroking down to grope over her ass cheek. Hunter stroked his hand to her hip to pull her into him more firmly while he nuzzled his mouth and nose over the shell of her ear.

When he turned her around in his arms, it was to make it easier to get at the fastenings of her pants while he rubbed his hips against her perky ass. He took a few steps back, bringing her with him so she wouldn't be face first against the wall. "Only thing these're doing is gettin' in the way..." Hunter rumbled the words close to Emilia's ear. Her pants hit the floor a moment later, and he nudged into her to encourage her to step out of them so he could kick them away. He left Emilia's panties on for the moment, though he fingered over the elastic band, and focused instead on getting both of their shirts off. Hunter's hand palmed over her breast the moment it was bare, and he breathed out lowly while slowly pulling Emilia's arm behind her back.

He held that arm captive as his mouth ghosted over Emilia's shoulder and his hand squeezed firmly over her ass cheek. "You're so beautiful," Hunter told her in a low, rumbly voice. He turned her in his arms again, this time to face him. His kiss was enthusiastic, but his real purpose was with what he was doing with his hands: stroking them over her hips and ass, slowly pulling the elastic down...

"You supposed to wear these under your robe?" Hunter deliberately thumbed over the bunny tail: adding enough pressure to give it a good wiggling. "How 'bout this?" The rumble in his voice was wholly involuntary, and there was more of a demand behind the kiss he gave her while pulling her underwear off her hips.

Hunter earned a look from Emilia when he was asking about the massages being in the same room but the curiousness faded and went to amusement pretty quickly. Or it had when she was finding it hilarious that he hadn't been entirely aware that a couple's massage meant same room during said massage. That not-quite-grimace shifted her back away from amusement to curious again and she was more watching him than paying attention to Hannah. "Couples massages are generally done together, babe.", though her attention shifted from him to the bag for a long lingering moment. Shifting her eyes back to him by the time his eyes were on her and she was giving him a narrow eyed look that meant the wheels were turning. She just wasn't really sure what Hunter could have in the bag that would make him so reluctant to hand it over. Not that handing over personal items to a nearly-stranger wasn't really in his wheelhouse of things normally done. But Hannah was usually attached to Emilia at the hip during the day, she was trustworthy.

She was still giving him that heavy look when Hannah left the room but honestly she hadn't a clue in the world what was going on. But if one thing could be said about Emilia Vanderbuck that where Hunter was concerned, well, she was easily distracted. His nudging and kiss was enough to soften her expression and pull a soft hum of a noise from her throat. "For what we paid for it, it better be...", she mumbled before smirking, "...do you want to back out of the massage, Hunter?", sounding a bit more teasing while she returned that warm look he was giving her. Puckering her lips up she pressed them against his for a quick peck of a kiss.

A huff of a laugh slipped out of her at the mention of full service but the smirk on her mouth was nothing short of devious, "Is that right?", she teased while pressing against him as he tugged her closer. Another soft approving noise and a bit of a shudder slipping through her from his mouth nuzzling over her ear kept that smirk in place. Well, she certainly wasn't going to stop him from undressing her in a way that was a helluva lot better than doing it herself. So when she was turned to face the wall she didn't waste much time in eagerly grinding her ass back into his rubbing hips. "I...completely...agree...", she said with a more breathy tone while her pants pooled around her ankles. His nudge was needed, she hadn't wanted to break contact with him, but it got her to step out of the pooled pants. Shirts compared to pants were less of a problem, especially since the shirt she'd picked was flowy instead of the usual skin tight.

She figured it was best to start getting used to the flowy clothes ahead of time so when they were all she could wear, well, she wouldn't be so grumpy about it. "Hunter...", she breathed while he palmed over her breast and then pulled an arm behind her back. Emilia arched her ass into his squeezing hand while she hummed at his rumbling voice that did well to put that lovely clenched feeling in her gut. But, goddammit was she happy that he turned her again and she could get her mouth on his. Even though really it was his mouth on her's first. But semantics. "Generally, yeah.", she said in a distracted tone that ended with a gasping noise when he thumbed over the tail. Causing her body to tense up at the sensation along with the added new fact that she was huffing breaths over his lips.

The next question had to go unanswered for that demanding kiss while she helped wiggle her underwear off of her hips and down to her ankles. Meanwhile, her own fingers slipped into the hem of his pants and slipped until she could thumb the button open. Once his pants were loose enough for her to start wiggling them down, with his underwear, so she could slide a hand into his pants. "You can...at least join me in the bath.", she said softly against his lips while her fingers wrapped around his cock. They weren't slick with anything but it wasn't her intent to do much more than lightly, teasingly brush her fingers over him. Sliding all the way to his head where she rubbed her thumb in a small circle against him before her other hand pushed him back a little.

With him at least a step away she dropped with a bit of grace to her knees while slicking her hand with her tongue. Rewrapping her fingers around him, this time more firmly, while she worked her tongue over him for a few long moments. But she certainly wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. She'd already made up her mind that she was going to let him out of the massage without him asking but not before...Suddenly she wrapped her lips around his cock and started to time her mouth and hand to work with more determination at him. Emilia's eyes shifting up to look at him lovingly, heated while her mouth suckled at his cock.

Emilia's gasping noise thudded through Hunter while he was thumbing over her bunny tail. He hummed agreeably into her mouth for her invitation, because the bath that Hannah had added on for them looked amazing. Even more amazing was the thought of sharing it with Emilia. "Mph," he grunted encouragingly at her teasing fingers brushing over him. "Since you asked so nice..." he groaned over the last word, approving of the way her thumb was circling against the head of his dick. Hunter watched Emilia sink down to her knees, which was one of the prettier things he'd ever seen. "Baby..." He groaned. His hand stroked over the side of her head, encouraging her hard working tongue. If this was what couples massages were supposed to be like, hell, he'd start coming down to the spa more often. As long as Emilia came with him, anyway.

His hand found the back of her head when she started working her mouth over him more enthusiastically. Hunter groaned, looking down at her in time to catch her loving gaze. The look he gave her was searing: focused and direct for the few seconds it lasted. Then he broke eye contact with a groan, looking up at the ceiling for a moment as his hips started to move. Hunter couldn't keep his eyes away from Emilia for long, however. Seconds later he was back to watching her: using a hand to brush her hair out of her face so he could see her expression better while he slowly pumped his dick in and out of her mouth. "Yeah..." he breathed over her. "That's my good girl."

Hunter's fingers firmed around the back of her head, holding Emilia in place while his thrusts got more enthusiastic. When he suddenly pushed her back off his dick, the pattern of his breathing was her only warning that things were about to get a little upside down... Literally. Hunter grabbed her firmly and flipped her upside down, settling his mouth over her slick pussy while making sure she had easy access to his cock at the same time. The first few strokes of his tongue were slow and loving, eyes closed and hands firm on her hips to keep her where he wanted her.

But it wasn't long before his tongue started to stroke deep into Emilia. Hunter tongued into her inner walls with sinuous purpose, licking deep enough for the bridge of his nose to nudge against her anus. A thumb on her bunny tail circled the plug inside of her: adding a new kind of stimulation to go with his tongue. When he finally pulled back to get a full breath, he still worshiped her slit with histongue, making low 'mmms' and 'ahs' because of how much he liked the way she felt and tasted. When he finally lifted Emilia right side up into his arms again, he was ready to sink into the herbal bath that was waiting for them. Hunter carried her over to the hot tub-esque bath and carefully stepped inside, lowering them both down into the softly frothing water and sitting on the bench.

Emilia ended up astraddle his lap, and he wasted no time in palming his hands over her cheeks. Hunter used the grip to rub her over his cock, but didn't yet slide his way in. "What if I let you get your massage without me," he breathed over her mouth. "I'll go set up some -- uhn," he couldn't help being interrupted by his moan. "Some things for tonight that're supposed to be a surprise," the rumble in his voice was telling. "Then, later, you can be my naughty masseuse..." Hunter didn't give her a chance to answer right away. A deft shift of his hips finally did what he'd been teasing them both about for the last several moments: he went sliding into Emilia, groaning as his hands on her hips guided her balls deep onto his cock.

Hannah had done them more favors than maybe Hunter was aware of because not only had she chosen one of the only rooms without cameras in it but she'd also given them the decision on when the masseuse came in. Usually, you were given enough time to get stripped down and into a robe before they showed up without prompting. Emilia would have to try to remember to thank Hannah for that later but at the moment she was more concerned with Hunter's cock. Keeping her eyes trained up at him even when he shifted his own gaze up to the ceiling though his groan was ample fuel for her fire. Well, that and the way his hips started rocking him into her mouth and let her allow her fingers to slide from around him. Setting them instead on his thighs so that her fingers could knead into his muscles there while she relaxed her throat.

Relaxing for a reason. She knew plenty of Hunter's tell and it was only a matter of time before he was thrusting not only into her mouth but her throat as well. Pulling soft garbled noises from that throat while he did and gasping out softly when he suddenly pushed her back off of him. That was enough to leave her growling lightly up at him and giving him a heavy look before everything went topsy-turvy. She squeaked out loudly, thankful for the soundproofing they'd done, and she lost the ability to remember what the fuck she was supposed to do for a few long moments. Gasping out when his mouth found her clit and even more soft approving noises when his tongue stroked over her.

Finally she braced her hands on his upper thighs while her lips wrapped around his cock again and she took a moment to dance her tongue over his head. Swirling around it before taking him further into her mouth and throat until she found a steady pace. Though shortly after her hands shifted from his thighs to assist her as she deep-throated him again and fondled his balls simultaneously. That was around the same time that his tongue started to slip deeper inside of her and there was no stopping it. His tongue paired with his thumb was more than enough to have her moaning out loudly around his cock as she pulled her mouth back. All the way until her sole focus was his head and panting out those moans while still trying to juggle pulling more from him as well. Each little bead of pre-cum she managed to suckle out of him was very much like candy to her and only prompted her to try harder for more. Even if all of the blood was rushing to her head. Something he solved by pulling her back right side up again and leaving her a little dizzy for the entire trip to the bath.

The water was well on the warm side when they sank into it and she was all too eager to rock herself over him while settling her forehead against his. His words pulled a telling grin of her own onto her lips but just as she opened her mouth to answer him..."G-guuuh.", she garbled as he slid inside of her. Emilia let her head fall to his shoulder for a brief moment as he pressed the rest of the way inside of her until he was hilt deep. The first shifts of her hips weren't entirely remarkable by any means but only because she was distracted with kissing him deeply. Breaking the kiss to say, "W-What surprise...", her tone heavily layered with a moan ready to break but she swallowed it, "...don't a-answer that.", she hissed before burying another moan into a kiss. Her hips finally finding their confident stride against his and prompting her to lean back and break that kiss as well just so she could put a hand on his chest. A simple gesture to keep herself upright and to show him that she wasn't done yet.

His only real answer was the way she nodded her head a little at him since she was already too consumed with the feel of him inside of her. The friction between their hips and the added pressure the tail was still putting forth. Leaning forward she quickly licked into his mouth before claiming his bottom lip between her teeth. Finding his hands with her own so she could put them high up on her ribs and letting her teeth nibble a small mark into the scruff of his chin. "Tail...comes out then.", she stuttered the words out.

This time not giving him time to respond before she started bouncing herself on his cock with her own flavor of determination. Leaning back again so she could watch him, or he could watch her, while she bounced herself on him. This time pulling her own bottom lip between her teeth to muffle a rather stubborn moan before she let her head lull backwards due to the tingling pressure building up inside of her. Not enough to push her over that proverbial edge but certainly enough that every hair on her body was standing at attention. And that one stubborn moan wasn't the last that got let free from her throat as her nails dug into his chest. It was the type of pace that she knew she couldn't keep if she wanted to last longer so suddenly she shifted it to something different while leaning forward to press her forehead against his again. "So...", she gasped softly, "...no mani-pedi t-then?", giving him a lazy yet taunting grin as she continued to work her hips against him.

"Hmmm," Hunter answered her garbled noise with a sound of his own, inordinately pleased that he'd taken Emilia's ability to speak. He turned his head to lightly nudge his nose against the side of her head while she was taking shelter in his shoulder, and he grunted into their kiss when she started shifting over him. "Wasn't going to," he smirked, though the expression didn't last for long. The moment her hips found their groove, all Hunter could do was groan. He didn't protest her breaking the kiss, but he tilted his head to get a better look at her as she rode him. She was beautiful, with her hair not quite wet from the water and the rest of her already slick and shiny... Hunter stroked a hand up her chest to grope at her breast, thumbing over her nipple around the same time she started licking into his mouth.

Hunter rumbled a noise into their kiss, but he let her take his hands and put them where she wanted them. "Hm," he huffed, still a little distracted by her nibbling teeth. He probably would've said something else about her taking out her tail, but Emilia was suddenly really fucking determined. She started bouncing on him like she meant it, and he groaned once she leaned back enough for him to get a really good show of it. His eyes flicked between the teeth in her bottom lip, their joining at the hips, and the rest of her body. God, she was beautiful. Every part of her was fucking beautiful.

"Alright," he breathed belatedly. Belated or not, Hunter liked the feeling of giving her permission to take her tail out. His hand stroked over her bared throat when Emilia let her head lull backwards, touching more than restricting as she continued working her hips over him. Hunter's fingers flexed around her neck when she shifted her pace, but god damn -- the rocking pace she set might've been slower yet it felt just as good. He probably would've let her keep them at that pace for a while longer, if not for her deliberate taunting. Hunter made a low grunt in his chest and flexed the hand on her throat: holding her firmly while his other hand stroked over her chest to grope her breasts. "If you're still th-thinking 'bout that, I'm not doing my job right," Hunter growled.

He solved that problem by standing in the bath and bringing Emilia with him. It was a scramble of limbs and huffing breaths as he got them both into position: holding her on the ledge of the bath with one leg propped up over his shoulder. Hunter grumbled low in his chest at her while leaning in to claim her mouth in a kiss, but he clearly wasn't angry; just making his opinion clear about whether he should be getting mani-pedis. Their foreheads were nudged together again as he picked up a steady pace, fucking her on the edge of the bath with their mouths close enough to exchange baited breaths. One of his hands slid up to the side of her head, holding her in place while he dropped his mouth to her throat for a suckling bite. Hunter sucked a lasting mark into her throat, high enough that she'd have a hard time covering it with clothing. He wanted everyone to see the evidence that a man was taking care of her at night, and during the daytime too...

Hunter held Emilia in that position for several panting moments, before he suddenly shifted underneath her. He went back to the bath, and he brought her with: settling on his back on the bench so he could hold her up with his hands high on her hips. He huffed breathlessly while he slid back into her and started to thrust in earnest, driving into her as hard and fast as he could manage in that position. It helped that he was supporting her weight, because how high he held her up subtly changed the angle he thrust into her at. He sat up and pulled out of her just suddenly as he'd put her into the position, breathing out in ragged huffs while he carefully set Emilia on the bench next to him. Always took him longer to come the second time, and he wasn't ready... Didn't want to drive her over the edge too soon...

"Take out the bunny tail, then c'mon sit on my lap." There was a promising rumble in Hunter's voice, and even more promising was when he started groping around the tub area for anything he could use as lube.

The hand on her throat was a welcome addition to everything else going on at the moment. Pairing well with not only the pressure she was building up with the strokes of her hips but the pressure still building from the plug as well. Certainly enough to have her huffing out a hot breath though she didn't have much time to respond to his growling before they were moving. Emilia did her best to help as much as she could while he sorted them into a new position and..."Shit.", she hissed at the new angle. Managing a few stuttering breaths before she found the ability to breathe again and eagerly returned that kiss he was claiming while a hand slid to rest at the back of his head. Nails digging lightly into his scalp as she huffed more baited breaths against his mouth but those weren't the only things being huffed. "Hun-ter...", she moaned not-so-softly just before his mouth found her throat.

Another reason to let loose another heated sound while her fingers tightened into his scalp, certainly not lightly any longer. Whatever mark he was suckling or biting into her neck wasn't a real concern. She wasn't even thinking about anything outside of the present anyways and really the only person at fault for that was Hunter. If it was even a reason to hold a person at fault. Sure as shit didn't feel like one as she cried out again for him though this time it was a bit more whimpering than anything else. Pleading without using a single word with as much air as she had in her lungs before she was gasping when they were moving again.

The moment he pressed back inside of her and started hammering into her, well, it was getting a lot harder to hide just how well he was pushing her towards that edge. "Shit...fuck...Hun...", she stumbled over the words and ended up getting cut short by another aggressive moan. Each stroke was pushing him over that magical spot inside of her and if he...if he...Emilia let out a pitifully guttural noise when he suddenly sat up and pulled out of her. Feeling like she needed to melt into the bench beside him when he sat her down on it but that throbbing feeling between her thighs wasn't going to relent. Not until he pushed her over that edge. It showed in the way she sat there, legs crossed, thighs clenched together tightly with eyes that never shifted off of him as she panted heavily. Though the look in her eyes now was certainly more hunger than it was love, not that love was completely gone, but hunger was overpowering at the moment.

It took her a few breaths before she finally shifted up to her knees on the bench and slipped a hand behind her. Slowly, delicately pulling the plug from her puckered hole with a gasping groan of a noise before she took three short breaths back to back. Setting the plug on the floor around the tub before she saw him searching around for something and it took her another few breaths before she realized what he could have been looking for. "H-hang on.", she told him in a raw tone before she climbed out of the water and hurried over to the massage tables. Digging around in a basket underneath one of them before she grabbed a black bottle from one of them and made her way back to the tub. It wasn't lube but it was an oil that could very well be one, safe to use, and the only reason she knew that was because a couple had told her when she escorted them to the room and showed the oils they used.

Emilia didn't do exactly as she'd been told though, well, she didn't do what she'd been told at all when she finally got back into the tub. Facing the edge of the tub she poured some of the oil onto her hands then rubbed them together before glancing at Hunter. She leaned forward until she was bent over the edge before some of her fingers found her clit and started rubbing at it, carefully keeping her legs apart enough so he could see. Then she slowly pressed an oil slick finger into her puckered hole and started working her fingers in unison, working at herself for a long moment before she groaned softly. Shifting both hands away from herself to grab either ass cheek and spread herself open to him then wiggling her hips at him. "Like this...please.", she said coyly at him, but the way she was still keeping herself spread to him...well, there was nothing coy about that. Or the way she let her knees slide a little further apart while she shifted her hips so her ass lifted a little higher in the air.

The sound Emilia made while pulling her plug out was one of the sexiest things he'd ever heard. Hunter grunted quietly, and he half turned from his search to look at her: his gaze lingering and full of appreciation. The expression didn't last long while Emilia was climbing out of the bath. Hunter made a grumpy noise, but shifted in the bath to watch her rummaging around. He absently set a hand on his cock, stroking himself and still thinking only of the beautiful young woman who was on her way back to the tub already. Hunter's eyes were heavy on her face as she approached him, and he appreciated the graceful lines of her body while she was getting into the hot water.

He was still watching her when she bent over the edge of the tub and started rubbing her fingers against her clit. "Fuck," Hunter breathed. His hand started working over his cock more enthusiastically, and there was no questioning where his eyes were now: focused between her legs and the slick finger she was sliding into her pucker. He made a low rumbling noise when Emilia opened herself for him, cheeks held open so he could see her tight little hole, and another rumble escaped him when she held herself like that. It was the sort of invitation Hunter would never pass up, as long as it was coming from his Emi.

Hunter stood up in the bath, dripping water and still holding his cock in one hand. He worked his fist over himself slowly on his way over to her, but the only thing on his cock was water when he nudged his bare head against her tight pucker. "Like this?" Hunter rumbled lowly at her. He could always add more lube as they went, and part of him wanted her to feel a little bit of pain: not so much to really hurt, but enough to be sure she would remember him being back there. Hunter wanted her to remember him even when there were other people's hands on her, fussing and massaging and doing whatever else while he was dealing with the rest of the world...

A slow shift of his hips pressed his way inside, using only the lube Emilia had slicked into herself. Her pucker gave a token resistance to his head, but his hips drove it and the rest of him in with one decisive thrust. "G-god, baby," Hunter groaned. Emilia was wrapped around him like a second skin, holding tight while he started a forgiving pace to give them both a chance to get used to their new position. But he didn't stay forgiving for very long. He shifted his weight over hers more, needing to feel that he was holding her pinned into place while his hips picked up a truly driving pace.

The groan came from deep in his chest, and Hunter couldn't resist the playful smack he laid on her cheek. Sort of on her cheek; he was still mostly in the way, so it was more on the side of her leg than her ass. "Gonna - make it so you... Fuck," he hissed. Hard to concentrate on anything with the way her body was milking around him at the moment. "C-Can't sit," he finished semi-coherently. Hunter was trying to brag that she'd still be shifting from ass cheek to ass cheek while she was getting her mani-pedi, but he was too close to the edge to get the words out properly. He stopped trying, and grabbed Emi by the wrist of one hand instead: holding it captive back against her ass cheek and using the grip as extra leverage to pull her back onto his cock with every inward thrust.

"Fuck, Emi," he groaned. Maybe his stamina wasn't as strong as he'd thought, because Hunter could already feel his balls starting to tighten...

Emilia wasn't shy to keep her hands on her cheeks and keep them spread even while he was approaching her. Maybe in the past she'd been but it was one of the things she'd outgrown. Besides, she wanted and needed him to a point that could have driven a lesser woman insane, or so she thought anyways. First she nodded to his question before lightly shifting her hips back against him as she found her voice, "Yes.", making sure the single word was clear and unmistakable. A little pain was nothing compared to the feeling of him pressing inside of her and she was well rewarded when he started doing just that. She let out a gasping noise that soon shifted to a low groan but still kept her hands on her cheeks for as long as she could. Which was really until he drove his hips forwards and she lost all ability to find a way to take a breath. The sting was there from the way she stretched around him so quickly but goddammit...Her body shuddered under him as her hands slipped off of her ass to brace herself on the edge of the tub.

She was thankful for the slower pace at the beginning and it did well to bring softer noises out of her than those harsh groans. "G-guhhh.", she noised softly while turning her head so she could look back at him while he was still keeping that slower pace. Herself giving them the chance to get used to the sensations as well before she slowly started sliding her knees back together. Allowing her to put more pressure around his cock for at least a little while until she felt him shift over her and she huffed out a baited breath.

Turning her head forward again she couldn't help that harsh groan that rolled out of her again at his pacing. Fingers tightening into the wood floor that met the edge of the tub until her fingertips were turning white with the pressure. She was just opening her mouth to say something when his hand met her skin with that smack and she shuddered around him again. Purposefully flexing herself around him but that wasn't going to last for too long. It was getting harder to focus when her hips swayed down enough that each stroke was pressing him over the other side of that magical spot inside of her. But his hissing slowly pulled her attention away from that enough for her to flash him a half-smirk over her shoulder before she was gasping out loudly. "Please...", she huffed out before she got a bit more of a whine to her tong, "...H-Hunter."

When he took one of her hands she shifted her knees apart a little but it let her do two different things in the process. Put more of a sway to her lower back and leave him stroking over that perfect spot even more. And let her slip her other hand between her legs, which, at first she used to rub furious circles on her clit. That didn't last long when she heard him groaning like that. Her fingers slipped from her clit until her fingers slid over his cock every time he pulled out to thrust into her again. Slipping further until she could settle her hand on his balls while he made her cry out loudly. Adjusting her hand until she could settle her thumb against the bottom, base of his cock and rub small yet hard circles against him.

The shudder that suddenly run through her was all the warning he got before every muscle in her body clenched up relentlessly. And it wasn't a cry she had for him that time, she practically screamed out for him while her fingers tightened around his balls. Probably restricting some of his movement but she obviously wasn't thinking clearly and by the time she was it was because her thighs were quivering. Her hand fell from him and simply into the water as she started huffing out those telling whines, "H-Huuun---I---Fuck...", she stumbled over her own tongue in the moment. But a few breaths later she was relaxing into the edge of the tub with that wonderfully tingling sensation prickling at every nerve in her body.

Amazing how a simple word like please could sound so damn satisfying when it came from the right source. Sort of like how his name could sound so right when it was spoken in the right voice. Hunter groaned in answer because words were completely beyond him at that point. He tried, but the huffing breaths that came out of his open mouth couldn't have been called words. After a few moments, he let Emilia's hand go, though he kept his hands on her hips: holding onto her while he maintained his hard and steady pace. Even when Emilia's hand found his cock and then slid down to fondle his balls, Hunter kept up the pace; but his groans came louder and more frequently while she was stroking him instead of herself.

That was one of the sexiest things about what she was doing, beyond the sheer pleasure of having her fingers there: she could've been pleasuring herself, but she was pleasuring him instead. Then again, she obviously wasn't hurting in that department... The way Emilia cried out for him had Hunter driving his hips in and out of her with grunting force, and his fingers tightened around her hips. He was holding her hard enough to leave bruises, but at that point the only thing he could care about was the way her body rocked and quivered under him; the way she gasped and moaned; the way she cried out or said his name...

He grunted deep in his chest when she started to clench up around him. The squeeze of her fingers around his balls was just on the too hard side of pleasurable, but Hunter was so lost in Emilia -- so lost in fucking her as hard as he could, even with the tug of her fingers keeping him from really going at it -- that he was pretty sure it helped push him over the edge. But what got him over the cliff was how Emilia stumbled over saying his name, whining for him in a way that had his blood pumping and his mouth hungry to layer kisses over hers.

"Gu-uh," Hunter groaned. "'Milia... You're so -- fuckin'..." A moan interrupted him, and he couldn't get his brain together to finish his thought. With one last decisive stroke of his hips, Hunter bottomed out in Emilia's ass and pumped her full of his seed. He stood panting over her for a long moment, riding out the pleasure inside of her. Finally, he pulled out of her and wrapped his arms around her: pulling her back against his front while he leaned in to nuzzle a kiss under the shell of her ear. A slow step backwards brought them close enough to a bench for Hunter to sit down, bringing Emilia with him and settling her securely on his lap. He shifted her enough in his lap to wrap an arm around her shoulders, though her lower body was still thoroughly cushioned by his.

The first several moments were spent kissing and holding Emilia while murmuring the occasional term of endearment against her mouth. Finally, when Hunter tilted his head back enough to look at her through half opened eyes, he said in a gravely voice, "You're all I need." It wasn't exactly what he'd intended to say in the heat of the moment, but the message was the same: he'd been trying to say she was everything until his own orgasm had shut him up.

He lightly kissed the side of her head, though his lips lingered for a telling moment. "You should get both massages," Hunter said. "Be a shame to bring both masseuses around and let one go to waste..." He was feeling pretty damn luxurious just for having the bath, and some of those tight muscles were loosening... Not all of them, but enough to have him feeling pretty damn good. Then again, his feeling good had more to do with the young woman in his arms compared to anything as easily replaced as a hot bath. Hunter wasn't lying when he said - or when he'd tried to say - she was everything.

Emilia groaned out loudly with that last thrust of his hips but managed to get a hand firmly on the edge to steady herself, maybe a bit after the fact but...She'd never be able to explain it, the feeling that always swept over her when she felt him pumping his seed into her. It was a delicate mixture of calming, completing, and euphoric. Which paired perfectly with the already tingling feeling that was coursing through her from her own orgasm but even that feeling was slowly starting to fade. Making everything still tingling but fuzzy around the edges with the dull pain of having him so eagerly thrusting into her. He hadn't been lying when he'd said he wanted make it so she couldn't sit. It wasn't a horrible type of pain though, never would be, but it was certainly something she'd be shifting around for at least the day.

Sore or not, she hummed a low pleased noise when he pulled out of her and wrapped his arms around her. Happily leaning back into him when he started to pull her back against him. Nuzzling her own head back against him carefully when he pressed that kiss under her ear. It wasn't hard to get settled into his lap though she was making sure to rest most of her weight on her hip rather than fully on her ass. She was far more eager to nestle herself into him than anything else along with returning as many of those kisses as she could.

It was more of a purr than anything else that rumbled inside of her at those four words. Her own eyes still heavy lidded but the smile that spread on her lips wasn't anywhere near lazy and more on the side of loving and content. Hearing that she was all he needed was certainly a different thing than hearing those other three perfect words. At the moment they held a lot of weight which was why she leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth before muttering, "You're my true north, no compass would point me in any other direction but to you." Giving him another quick peck before he was lightly kissing the side of her head and letting his lips linger. But she was humming again as he continued talking and it was curiosity that started to slip behind her eyes with every word said.

"Both? You want me to be a living noodle?", she teased before shifting in his lap until she was sitting facing him with her ass on his knees. A quick wince shifting over her face but she quickly pushed it away with a smile. "What are you going to be doing while I'm getting so completely pampered then, Mr. Edwards?", she asked with an arched brow before her eyes narrowed just a little at him. An expression that usually worked on her sister and employees to get them to divulge what was going on though she didn't have any hopes for it working on Hunter. After a quick sigh she put her index finger beneath his chin to flick under him, "I'll let the deep tissue go, she can relax while I get the other.", she mused.

Shifting her hands she took him on either side of his face for a quick kiss before wiggling back on his knees. "Can you stay out of trouble for the hour it'll take?", she slanted a look at him before quickly cupping her hands in the water and dumping it over his head. Grinning from ear to ear she shifted a little again until she was in the deeper part of the tub and off of his lap. Carefully dunking herself under the water to get her own hair wet before she finally joined him on the bench again, "You better come back when it's over, you don't want me hunting you down...", giving him a long hard look that held a little more suspicion in it than playfulness. It wasn't out of the normal for Hunter to not want a massage but...she couldn't put her finger on it just yet, something was going on that he wasn't telling her. She just wasn't going to call him out on it just yet either.

His mouth pulled up in a subtle grin when she teased about being a living noodle. Hunter noticed her wince while she was shifting her weight, but didn't realize how smug he looked after noticing. "Hmmm," he answered her narrowed eyes with a low sound. Hunter didn't look in the least bit cowed by her look, but internally he was hesitating. Maybe he should tell her about the duck that was running loose in her resort... It was her place of business, and she had a right to know... But she was supposed to be on vacation. Hunter slanted a fond look at her while she was flicking him under the chin. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed. "You should offer it to Hannah, or your sister." Trust Hunter to have an opinion on everything that Emilia was doing, but all he was trying to do was make sure she wouldn't be alone.

He yielded easily into her kiss, which didn't last nearly long enough for him. "When do I ever not stay out of--- Milia!" Hunter spluttered his ending thanks to the water she dumped over his head, but he was far more amused than annoyed. That was one of the things he loved about her: she made sure he didn't take life too seriously all the time. He casually hooked his arm around her shoulders when she joined him back on the bench. "I dunno, you and me could play a lively game of hide and seek..." Hunter smirked while leaning in to kiss the suspicion out of her. "Not gonna do anything you wouldn't," he said, low and rumbly against her mouth. "You're gonna have to trust me beyond that." He kissed her on the nose, and then again on the mouth.

Then, without warning, Hunter shifted his mouth to her ear: tightening his arms around her to keep her from squirming away before he could push his tongue into her ear. He gave it a solid wiggle for good measure, then finally pulled back and let her go, looking as mischievous as any man half his age. "That's what you get for pouring water on me," he said while pointing a playfully warning finger in her direction. The angle of his chin was unmistakably arrogant, and his grin as close to boyish as it ever got. Hunter never used to smile and play like this, not even with Rory, but Emilia's playfulness was irresistible. Hell, everything about her was.

Hunter caught Emilia around the waist, pulling her into his arms no matter if she was protesting or not, and nuzzled a toothy kiss on the cartilage of her ear. But he didn't try to give her another wet willy, and instead trailed kisses to the top of her head. "I'm getting wrinkles," he said while holding up a hand. He was holding Emilia against him with one arm around her waist, her back to his chest, while leaning over her so his chin was resting on the top of her head. "You ready to get out?" Not that he gave her much of an option either way. Hunter swept Emilia into his arms, bridal style, and carried her carefully out of the bath. They were both dripping water on his way over to the towels, but he didn't care about that.

He set her down carefully, treating her as precious as she was to him, and reached for the first towel. "'Ere," Hunter rumbled. He wrapped Emilia in the towel, using the excuse to pull her against him for a damp hug. Impossible not to indulge in a quick kiss before he let her go and reached for his own towel. The clock was ticking, and he was sure he'd have messages on his phone when he got a chance to look at it again, but his time with Emilia couldn't be hurried. Not even when someone else's life was on the line. Still, there was a sense of purpose behind him when he started drying himself with the towel, and he went around collecting both of their clothes with the damp towel draped over his shoulders.

He had a great idea letting Hannah or Eileen have the massage instead of it going to waste which prompted her to figure out if Eileen was at the resort today. She hadn't talked to her since the previous day, which was odd, but her morning had been pretty eventful so she couldn't have been blamed. She never acknowledged it was a good idea though because she was already moving along with other things. But she'd certainly be texting her sister first to see if she was around for the massage before poking at Hannah. Because god knows the both of them probably needed the massage as much as she needed one. They all worked a little too hard for their own good, though she'd been pretty active at making sure Eileen took the time off that she needed. Not that it worked very often because you could never talk Eileen into anything she didn't want to do. Zac seemed pretty talented at getting her to do things though...

Hunter did a damn good job of distracting her from the train of thought though when he was talking about a game of hide and seek. At least at the resort it would be an even playing field, not many places he could hide that she didn't know about. So she returned that smirk and returned his kisses with a bit of humming in agreement. "Uh-huh.", she noised then said, "I do trust you.", while he was kissing her on the nose. He did a damn good job of catching her off guard too, she was expecting a hug and instead got a..."HUNTER!", she squealed at his tongue pushing into her ear. Trying her best to squirm out of his iron grip even if she knew it was a moot point.

Emilia frowned at him before shifting her head to rub her ear against her shoulder, which didn't help, it was still moist from the bath. She did, however, nip at his finger though made no real move to catch it with her teeth. Just made a show of it. "I'm more smug that you'll be smelling like cherry blossoms and sandalwood all day.", she stuck her tongue out at him before squealing a bit more when he pulled her into his lap. No real protest was made though. She was hesitant about what he was doing close to her ear but was pleased when he didn't try to invade her ear again. Her answer to him getting wrinkles was a broad grin before she held out her own hand to show off her pruned skin. "We wrinkle together then.", before she nestled her back more fully against him and ran those pruned fingers over his arm around her.

Letting out a whine of a noise when he was asking about getting out but even her whine of protest didn't stop him from picking her up and moving them out. "Fiiiiiine.", she drew the word out playfully while he was carrying her. Giving him a just as playful narrowing of her eyes when he sat her down and started wrapping her up in a towel. Whatever frowns she had melted away with that hug and kiss though, returning it for as long as he allowed, then shifting the towel around herself. While he dried himself off and gathered up the clothes she started drying herself off as well but her hair took a bit of work until it wasn't dripping. Once he returned with her clothes she took them before moving over to the plug still on the floor and picked it up. "Pocket.", she told him while holding it out until he took it from her.

She didn't bother getting into all of her clothes, just her underwear, because it was pointless to wear any of them for the massage. Her jeans and shirt ended up folded on the chair nearby before she was doing her best to distract him from getting dressed. Though at that point he already had his pants on, "Massage will take an hour, give or take, want to meet at the juice bar after?", she asked while stepping up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Pressing up on her toes to give him a kiss, a brief one, then continuing, "I finally got them stocking that beer you like, so you can indulge in that while I get something healthy...", she frowned a bit while lowering back onto flat feet.

All of her frowns and playful attempts to nip him were worth it for the way she'd squealed his name while he was pushing his tongue into her ear. His pleasure over it stayed with him long after the moment was over, lurking in the corners of his mouth and the brightness of his expression. He was a different man when they were alone together. Hunter handed over Emilia's clothes, everything except her shirt. That, he kept tucked in his hand until she gave him the plug and instructed him to put it in his pocket. He'd figured that was coming because she had insisted on taking it out for her massage. Hunter met Emi's eyes while he used her shirt to wrap the plug in, mainly the fluff so it wouldn't find a way of poking out of his pocket. Then he bent over to tuck the bundle into his jacket pocket, wearing a lingering smirk as he did it.

He made a softly approving noise when Emilia walked up to him in nothing more than her underwear, and he wrapped his arms around her tight enough to pull her against him. Feeling her bare breasts on his chest was almost enough to make him want to pull her back into the bath, but that internal clock kept ticking: every minute he spent with Emilia meant Raphael was a little closer to killing someone on her resort. "First one there gets to choose what the other person drinks," Hunter said, mostly in answer to her frown. If he was choosing her smoothie, he'd find a way to make it closer to decadent than healthy. Even if that meant taking her to another juice bar.

"Be good," he said. He leaned in for one last kiss, because the ones she'd given him earlier hadn't been enough (but then, no amount would ever be enough), then reluctantly turned to head out of the private room. "I got my phone if you need anything," Hunter said over his shoulder. Then, turning deftly mid-stride so that he was walking backwards and could look at Emilia when he said, "Love you." He pursed his mouth at her in a subtle kiss, then finally turned to open and head out the door. Emilia was the reason for everything he was doing these days -- well, her and Rory -- but he was going to have to compartmentalize her out of his head for the job he had to do.

Sometimes, hunting rats could be a dirty job. Hunter picked up his bag from Hannah, who seemed surprised to see him but didn't ask for an explanation. Probably because his expression and disposition didn't invite her to. He headed out of the spa area as quickly as he could get away with, making his way toward the resort's main lobby while he was checking his phone. Mikey had sent him several messages, and several more pictures: the first several had Hunter grumbling, because none of them were his target, but then... "Jackpot," he muttered under his breath. He made the rest of the way to the front desk at a brisk walk.

"Mikey," Hunter said the moment he was close enough to the desk to thump his fists on it. "This guy." He thrust the phone in front of Mikey's face, showing him the covert picture he'd snapped of Raphael while he was checking in. "Where's he staying?"

"Oh, him," Mikey frowned. "He didn't check in. He was asking about leaving a package for a friend, but he didn't know what room number... He wasn't carrying a package, either." He thumbed over his nose. "I told him it's against company policy to give out information on our guests, so he said he'd call her and wait for her at the bar..."

"Damn," Hunter growled. "How long ago?"

"Right when I sent the picture. About fifteen minutes now, I guess?"

Hunter grudgingly thanked Mikey, promised to put a good word for him in with Emilia, then headed over to the resort bar. He doubted Raphael had actually gone to the bar, but he had to be sure... Sure enough, the contract killer was nowhere to be found, and Hunter was temporarily out of leads. At a loss for what to do next, he headed down to the kitchens so he could fine tune the order put in for their picnic basket.

It was dumb luck that was where he found his next clue: this time in the shape of a disoriented young man who'd been stripped out of his service clothes. The kid was stumbling out of a pantry closet, holding his head and groaning, when Hunter made it down the stairs. "What's going on?" He asked with more suspicion than sympathy.

"Someone knocked me out from behind," the victim answered. "I don't remember anything else. It's all a blur..."

"Get down to security and file a report, but make sure to tell them not to say anything about this to Emilia. You got that? Eileen can handle this shit for once." Hunter couldn't be sure the young man would remember anything, but he was mostly stable by the time he was headed down the hall to alert their security team. The situation had gone from serious to alarming: he recognized the young man as a waiter, and he vaguely remembered Eileen saying something about a fabulous garden party they just had to go to... Hunter wasn't exactly dressed for the sophisticated parties that Emilia's sister liked to talk about, but that didn't stop him from finding the first resort employee he came across and asking for more information about it.

Their directions got him to the resort's virtual garden area. The flowers looked and smelled as realistic as the real thing, but when someone tried to touch them they would realize they weren't real. It was a hobby for the rich and bored, mostly teenage and college artsy types: they grew outrageous virtual flowers, then showed them off in garden parties like the one being thrown at the resort. Hunter couldn't have named a single flower that was in the virtual garden now, but he couldn't have done that even if any of them had actually existed in the real world. What any of these kids could've done to earn a contract killing, though, Hunter had no idea...

He earned more than one scandalized look when he came into the room, and it followed him like a wave: person after person noticing that someone who didn't belong was in their midst. Hunter, who was looking at the servers, ignored them. He would've kept ignoring them, too, but a stressed out looking kid who was obviously hosting the event - she was wearing a dress probably worth two or three of Hunter's bounties - deftly intercepted him to say, "This is a closed party."

"Yeah, I'm not askin' to join in," he answered. "You see this man?" He held up his phone with the picture on the screen. "Probably wearing a server's uniform... Maybe handing out something not on the menu?"

The stranger gave him an irritated look, then looked at the picture on the phone. Her expression instantly changed to worry. "That's my uncle," she said. "Where did you get that?" She made a grab for the phone, but Hunter pulled it out of her reach. He gave her a stern look while tucking it back into his pocket. "I'm sorry, but - When was it taken?"

"Maybe twenty minutes ago," Hunter answered. "Something wrong?" She looked like she'd been struck in the gut, but no one had punched her.

"My mom. She and my dad're... They're splitting up for real this time, and she took me and my sister here to stay while she figures out where we're going next..." She hesitated. "She's been getting threatening calls... They never say anything when I answer, just hang up, but if she answers - I don't know what they say, but..."

"She looks scared," Hunter finished for her. The young woman nodded miserably. "You know where your mother is right now?"

"She likes to lay out on the sun deck, this time of day... Says it's prime tanning hours..."

"Thanks." Hunter cursed on his way out of the party. This was where Emilia would have come in handy; he needed to get a message to the security team that was responsible for the sun deck and put them on alert, but he was a lot better with spaceships and engines than hacking into security systems. Maybe he could find someone else to help him instead... He reached for his phone, intending to call Mikey and ask him what he knew about Paradisum's security, when Emilia called him.

There was no hiding the surprise in his voice when he grumbled into the phone, "Hello?"

Emilia watched him after he took the plug which had her eyes shifting from her shirt, it, and his face. Eyes narrowing a little at the fact that he'd just shoved her only shirt into his pocket along with her tail. But dammit it was hard to stay frowning at that lingering smirk of his and she could always just wear her jacket. Or snag a shirt from one of the employee break rooms.

"Deal.", she said quickly in response to the first one making it to the juice bar being able to pick what the other drank. She'd at least play nice if it was her that beat him there. Though the look on his face if she ordered him a kale smoothie would be pretty priceless...Flashing him a smirk when he told her to be good, one that was too close to innocent to be believed, "Aren't I always?", she asked rhetorically. The last kiss was enough to help her completely forget about the fact that she wanted to be wondering more about what he was going to be doing. It was rare that he was at the resort and generally when he was they were together but...Phone, she shifted really fast to grab her jeans to make sure her phone was still in them and thankfully it was. So she wiggled her phone at him when he turned and was walking backwards, "Love you too, baby.", she said softly before blowing him a kiss and tilting her head as she watched him head out the door.

Once she was alone in the room she sat down on one of the chairs and unlocked her phone. Glancing at the flashing alerts from the app they used for the resort and groaning with temptation. "Nope, don't do it.", she muttered to herself and tapped into messages instead. Sending off a short and sweet message to Eileen to see if she was free to join her for a massage. But after another moment of staring at the flashing notifications at the top of her phone she sent another: Nvm, let's do it tomorrow? Massages and mani-pedis!! ♥♥♥ Emilia flicked her eyes towards the door of the room before she pushed herself out of the chair and moved towards it. Opening it a little before she closed it again and then locked it and took a couple of steps back.

"Just look, don't do anything.", she said to herself while crawling onto one of the massage tables. Laying on her stomach and unlocking her phone again so she could start going through the messages. Most were about them needing to reorder things like towels, oils, bottle water, pastries, etc. Some were about employees that were wanting to take time off and some about employees that weren't showing up for work. The latter prompted her to groan and carefully roll onto her back while holding the phone over her head. Reluctantly tapping the button to call Hannah before she hit the speaker button and let the phone lay on her bare chest. A slightly confused 'Hello' came seconds later and Emi didn't hide her sigh.

"I know I'm not supposed to be working, but it's a secret, alright?", she said quickly and continued so Hannah couldn't interrupt her. "Six employees didn't show up for their shifts? Wasn't it three last week? Wait...", she picked up the phone and went back to the memo, "Well, the three last week are three of the six that didn't show up today. We've checked on them right?"

"Yeah, two of them said they have that stomach virus that's going around and the other was dealing with some family issues. I got in touch with two of the ones missing today, same stomach virus for them but the other won't answer the phone.", Hannah paused for a breath, "You're supposed to be relaxing, getting a massage...this isn't..."

"I was just checking things and asking questions, I'm not actually working Hannah.", Emilia scolded her lightly. "But...I am going to get the things ordered that we're low on then I'll move poolside!", Hannah made a noise that wasn't very approving but in the end they got off the phone with an understanding. Emilia wasn't going to go about her usual duties and stay in the room as long as it took to get things ordered before she headed out for some sunlight.

Sitting up on the side of the bed, she tucked her feet underneath her thighs and navigated into the app needed to order things. Making sure to get more than they needed and a few of the newer things the supply company was offering. Getting the pastries was a bit more complicated since they only ordered from an off-planet shoppe. Something she'd handle when she was actually allowed to work and not supposed to be relaxing. But suddenly, she was getting the urge to see what Hunter was up to without her out there. An app opening and login later and she had access to all of the security cameras and drones they had around the resort. Flipping through them as she hummed lightly, "Where are youuuuu...", trailing off when she finally narrowed in on the garden party.

Which was honestly the last place she expected to see him walking through and she frowned a little at the screen of her phone. "What are you doing there...", she mused before accidentally swiping to the side to the next feed when she had been trying to zoom in on Hunter. The camera feed was for a hallway near the virtual garden area that led to the sun deck but that wasn't what had her freezing up a little. The red square that popped up on a man's face along with a name and a list of crimes was what had her staring at the screen for a very long silent moment. "You sneaky little shit.", though it wasn't clear who exactly she was talking about. A couple of taps of her fingers and she had all of the doors in the hallway locked, which wasn't the best idea, but it trapped him. With two of her other employees...

"Call Hunter Edwards.", she said clearly before her phone started dialing his number and she flicked a finger across the screen to find him again. "You know that party is invite only, right?", she paused but the tense tone wasn't easily hid, "Not supposed to be there but that's besides the point...you really weren't going to tell me? I'm sure I got the alert, Hunter.", scolding him a little before she sat the phone down on the table and slipped off of it so she could grab her jeans and jacket. Sounding a bit rushed as she hurried into them, "Hallway, thirty feet ahead of you and to the left. Your duck is locked up for the moment...", she paused while buttoning her jeans and glanced at the feed again. Flicking back to the hallway and the scene of the man throwing things at one of the windows, "Well, he will be for the next couple of seconds...he shifts his attention from the windows to my employees then I'm unlocking the door."

Pulling her jacket on she buttoned it up and groaned, "Did you really have to take my shirt?", grabbing the phone while she slipped her feet into her boots. "I'm headed that way, I'll alert security to get a perimeter around him.", he could probably hear her tapping on the screen of her phone as she was walking out of the private room. "If this is your idea of a vacation, remind me to take you somewhere more secluded next time...", she muttered. Emilia paused in her own hallway to smile at a security guard before pointing at his taser and holding her hand out for him to put it there. "I'm opening a door for the employees to get out and for you to get in...just lemme know when...", she watched the screen as she continued through the resort.

He was too stubborn to stumble over the impulse to ask her how she knew where he was and what he was doing, but Hunter instantly looked up: scanning the ceiling for the security cam he was sure she'd been watching him with. Sneaky little minx, he thought, and it was hard to keep the smile off his face when he did. Easier because she was bitching at him, but still... "You're supposed to be on vacation," he grumbled back at her. "What happened to that massage? Did you even do it?" In retrospect, he realized he should've known better than to leave before the masseuses were in the room. So this was as much his fault as it was hers, and she got all the credit for being perceptive enough to realize when he needed her even before he did.

"Have I said how much I love you recently?" Hunter knew he'd have a lot of making up to do after this was all over, but that didn't keep the glowing admiration out of his voice. He was already on his way to the hallway she'd directed him to, though he was slower while working his gun out of its holster. "Hah, yeah," he grinned into the phone at Emi's groaning. "What d'you need a shirt for?" Nice to have that quick flush of pleasure right before he had to pull a gun on a duck. "You stay outside of that perimeter, Em, you hear me?" He spoke over her muttering about his idea of a vacation. "Open the door, but I don't wanna see you and Bean anywhere near here."

Hunter left the phone on speaker when he tucked it in his pocket, which was the only concession he was willing to make in taking her with. He ran into the hallway the moment that the door unlocked, pushing his way passed the confused and frightened employees. "He got through the window," he said after a few choice curses. "I'm going after him. Which way did he go?" One of the employees turned back, then pointed to the right. "You sure?" He nodded, and it was the best lead he had... "Em, tell the head of your security to launch th-- Nevermind." The man was already a step ahead of him: Hunter saw a security drone go whizzing by as he was climbing out of the broken window. He growled something incoherent after stumbling his landing. His pride made him hope the security drone's cameras hadn't caught him being clumsy, especially because he knew Emilia would be watching. Hunter limped the first few steps, cursing again, then managed to find a jogging stride that agreed with him.

The contract killer wasn't far ahead. His objective had been foiled -- they were no where near the sun deck -- but that didn't mean he wouldn't get desperate and try to use a hostage as a means of escape... A security alarm started to sound, telling the residents to shelter in place and avoid all suspicious activity. Seconds later, Raphael made his way into a restaurant. It wasn't quite the lunch rush, so it wasn't too busy, but there were enough customers and staff to do grisly damage. He fired his gun into the ceiling, shouting for everyone to get on the ground unless they wanted a bullet in the head.

Security was bound to converge on the building in a matter of minutes, bringing in bullet proof security drones that would shoot him full of sleep and stun agents, but Hunter got there first. "You are under arrest by the order of the Jovian Fifth Circuit Court! Surrender peacefully, or I will open fire." He took shelter at the door, which turned out to be a good idea: the bastard fired in his direction, then made a grab for one of the hostages, no doubt intending to use him as a human shield.

Hunter had seen the shoot to distract tactic from ducks so many times before, he had the timing down to near science. He followed his instincts on when it was safe to pop out, lift his gun, and fire. The first bullet hit Raphael in the leg, and the second on the same hip. Just so happened to be the same side that had been smarting after Hunter had had to climb out of the damn window. Raphael fell to the ground with a cry, and the kid he'd been grabbing for scrambled well out of reach. "Get going," Hunter told the frightened crowd. He had no idea what security or PR would want to do for those people, but even with Raphael incapacitated they were liabilities where they were now.

Didn't make much of a difference, anyway. Handfuls of seconds after he told them to get gone, security converged on the area: both human bodies and bots. Hunter found himself in a circle of bots, all of them armed to the teeth with paralytic and knock out drugs. "Hey, hey, hey..." He said while slowly lifting his hands. Still holding his gun, which they didn't seem to like, but he wasn't going to drop it unless he absolutely had to. Hunter never went anywhere without it. "I'm not the enemy here. Don't stick your pointers at me just because I got to 'im first. Tell 'em, Em." He was talking to her through the phone, but he couldn't resist scanning the area for his lover. Hunter didn't want her to be there, but he knew her well enough to know she probably wasn't going to listen to him.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the first person he saw. "Drop your weapon!" A uniformed security guard had his gun trained on him from a distance, though Hunter could see from where it was that it was only a taser. "Drop your weapon or I will authorize the drones to stick you!" This was what their security was like these days: always issuing warnings before they could do anything, lest they be sued for "avoidable violence."

Hunter grimaced. "I'm not the duck, damn idiot. Put the taser down. Won't do you any good from where you are, anyway." He paused for a moment, then grumped, "Would someone call the damn drones off?"

"Well, technically you won't see bean anywhere...", she said slightly under her breath while tapping the screen to open the doors and flicking to the right camera. Eyes trained more on Hunter and her employees than what the other guy was doing near the windows. Which was why she didn't see it when the guy finally made it through the thicker-than-usual glass of the window. Her attention was pulled away from her phone when she rounded a corner and nearly trampled over some guests, "I'm so sorry.", she apologized while semi-skidding around them at the last second. Settling her eyes on one of the attendants standing nearby, "Get them a couple of vouchers.", the kid looked confused but he barely got out the question about what vouchers to give before she was heading out the door.

Shifting her attention back to the phone and the cameras while she headed across the large open area of the resort with a bit more pep in her step. Catching the tail end of Hunter's limping which had her growling at the phone, "Hunter.", she said in a worried tone. Though, since the duck wasn't cornered any more, she hit the panic button on the screen which was the whole reason the alarms started to sound. Plenty of employees tried to stop her to figure out what was going on and that was around the time Hannah finally caught up to her. "Get all of security to the restaurant.", the confused assistant tried to ask a question but was cut short with, "Now!", which earned Emilia a quick nod of a head before Hannah was sprinting off as fast as her heels would allow her.

That was when she heard the gunshot and her attention yanked back to the screen of her phone, her stomach clenched up. "Goddammit...", she growled but still watched. Though Hunter wasn't at an angle that she could see at the moment and it took a few minutes to move a drone to the right...More gunshots put the fear in her stomach that had her kicking off her boots quickly and breaking out in a dead run for the restaurant. She was about to say something into the still on going phone call when she heard two more gunshots as she was bursting through the doors of the lobby. A small reception area for the restaurant. Security and the bots were already there and about to breach the doors when suddenly all of the crowd was starting to flood out.

God, this was going to be a nightmare of vouchers and refunds...Her mind only went there for half of a second before it settled back on what was really important. Getting to Hunter, who was clearly still find since she could hear him on the other end of the line. Security started to move in but a few of the men stayed back and were telling Emilia that she couldn't go in until they secured the area. It prompted her to hit the mute button on the phone, "You don't move out of the way, right now, and not only are you going to get my boot up your ass but I'm going to tase you just for shits and giggles.", one of the other men made a grumbling noise when his friend tried to buck up but ended up putting a calming hand on his shoulder.

Emilia squeezed past them, they weren't going to actually move out of her way, and into the restaurant. "Hunter Edwards is allowed a weapon on the premise.", she called out while approaching the crowd which caused the bots to lower the weapons but not the actual human security. "Goddammit.", she growled, "Wesker, put the fucking taser down you idiot." Quickly putting herself between her head of security and Hunter so the man lost his clear shot. "Point the guns at the criminal, not my boyfriend.", she warned again before guns started to shift or lower and holster all together. "Thank you.", she huffed before turning towards Hunter and frowning at him, "Are you okay?", she did a quick glance over him before shifting her eyes to the man on the ground.

"You go deal with the guests...", she said to a few of the men trying to approach Raphael. "Not your's...back up.", taking the taser from the back of her jeans and handing it to one of the guards before she shifted to grab the gun off the floor and took it to Hunter. "You owe me...so much chocolate.", she sighed at him and shifted to watch most of the security start to filter out. Though, of course, the head and his underlings stayed where they were with guns still trained on the wounded man.

He took a decisive step forward when Emi put herself between him and another man holding a gun, no matter how ineffective he'd been saying it would be. Hunter wasn't going to let his soon-to-be-wife put herself in any kind of danger, but by the time he was shouldering his way in front of her the other men were putting the guns away. He gave them all hard eyed looks, then grudgingly put his gun back in its holster. Some of that hardness was still in his expression by the time Emi turned to frown at him. Considering what he still had left to do, it had to be there.

Still, Hunter softened enough to wink at her before the other men started trying to get too close to his duck. Felt good to know he'd always have her there to make sure he was alright, even when he was trying to do the same for her at the same time. He let Emilia chase the others away -- she was damn right Raphael wasn't theirs -- while he made a call into the MPA and reported that he'd bagged a duck. Having the agency send out their specialized paramedics that'd been trained in prisoner retention to bring Raphael in meant a cut in his profits, but the bonus for bringing him in alive more than made up for that.

He'd just hung up the phone when Emilia approached him with the duck's gun. "Thank you," Hunter murmured. He took it from her, made sure the safety was on, and tucked it in the back of his jeans. Once the gun was secure, he slid an arm around Emilia's waist, feeling exhilarated from the brief yet explosive showdown. That was why he couldn't resist pulling her in for an enthusiastic kiss, audience be damned. Hunter was a private man who didn't like to make a scene, but at the moment he wanted everyone to know that the brilliant and beautiful woman in his arms was his.

She was his.

"I'll get you a whole jacuzzi full of chocolate," Hunter grinned. He leaned in for another lingering kiss. "That way, it'll be fun for both of us. You can eat it while bathing in it, and I can watch..." He was at least murmuring that lowly enough that most of her guards probably couldn't decipher what he was saying. Hunter sobered up after that, having to reign in his own desires because the MPA medics showed up in a government issued shuttle. Fastest vehicle anyone on Jovian had access to, outside of the shuttles specifically designed for racing. Raphael was a pretty big fish, with insight to one of the most infamous criminal families left on the floating cities. That made him both profitable and high priority.

Hunter nudged Emi. "You better tell your boys to let the medics through, or we'll never get outta here." Once the negotiations had been taken care of between the two groups, he still had to stick around and watch them put the gunshot duck on a stretcher. Two of the medics were actually 'bots, and they took care of carrying Raphael into the shuttle while their human supervisor brought him the paperwork to sign. With the technicalities taken care of, and his copy of the paperwork tucked in his pocket for later reimbursement, the MPA left as quickly as they'd come; taking their patient back to the nearest military hospital for treatment and processing.

Still, nearly more than an hour passed before they were able to be alone together again. Hunter insisted on renting a room at the resort so she could lay down for a while, though he definitely didn't phrase it like that. The exact wording had been, I want to lay down, let's get a room. Getting a room turned to getting room service, which Hunter placed an order for the moment they were settled: a pregnancy safe sushi platter with steak, shrimp, crab tempura, cooked salmon, and vegetable rolls, and a dessert plate to make good on his debt. At least some of it.

He was still on the phone with the room service attendant when he pulled Emilia against him by sliding his hand between her legs, but he hung up seconds later. "You didn't even stay for one of those massages, did you?" Hunter didn't wait for an answer before he smacked her on the ass. "What'm I gonna do with you?" There was more love than anything in his voice, and it was obvious they were both going to like anything he did to her. Hunter settled his hands on Emilia's hips, holding her facing him while he backed up until he hit the bed in the room, allowing him to sit on the foot while pulling her into his lap.

Emilia was nothing but thrilled for his arm sliding around her and the kiss that followed. And she certainly wasn't shy in returning it even when she heard the rest of the security muttering or shifting around. As far as she was concerned Wesker deserved to feel a little uncomfortable after pointing his taser at Hunter. Generally, while she was at the resort she tried to keep things as private as she could though with Hunter the line got blurred a bit when she could blur it. It wasn't necessarily a problem to be so attracted to a person but she'd been told more than once, and had to tell employees, that it wasn't professional. But then again...she was the boss, along with Eileen, so that gave them more wiggle room on what they could and couldn't get away with. Plus the thrill that zinged through her when he kissed her like that was enough to put up blinders on anyone around them.

"You better.", she muttered against his grinning lips. Then it was her turn to grin a bit and feel her cheeks heat up a little with his murmuring. Forcing her to shift her eyes towards the guards who looked pretty clueless so she just squeezed at Hunter's bicep before giving him a long look. A look that was beyond loving, to the point that she wasn't sure there was even a word for it. She would have completely hid herself against him if he hadn't nudged her and reminded her that she needed to call off the dogs. "Probably...", she groaned and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before dealing with the politics of her security guys and the MPA medics. Using some of the time it took Hunter to sign the paperwork to get Hannah to collect anyone that had been 'affected' by the event and make sure they were taken care of.

Needless to say, she was ecstatic to get a room instead of heading back down to the mainland...partially because it was closer and she kinda wanted to be able to make sure nobody was going to sue. But she certainly wasn't thinking about any of that once they got into the room and she was able to change out of what she'd been wearing. The sleep shirt was from a set originally but she hadn't been able to find the matching pants for at least half a year now. Frustrating as it was, it was still comfortable. Emilia was nothing but grins when he pulled her against him and slipped his hand between her legs. Giving him a playful squeeze of her thighs while watching him as he hung the phone up, "I---", she was cut short with a yelp and a huff while he settled his hands on her hips and backed them towards the bed. "I did stay in the room, just...no massage.", giving him a dazzling smile before she continued, "Hopefully lots of things.", she tilted her head a little while climbing onto his lap to straddle him.

She claimed his mouth in a kiss seconds later as her hips worked against his with her hands settling behind her on his knees. But the point of those rocking hips was to distract him from when she suddenly shifted forward to knock him onto his back. Letting her give him another kiss before she shifted her mouth to trail kisses over his jaw, down his neck until she nipped at his chest through his shirt. Meanwhile, her hand weaseled it's way over his jeans until she got them unbuttoned and tugged open enough so that when her hips worked against his again it was rubbing his bare cock against the lace of her panties.

She used the friction there for a while to both of their advantages before she was shifting down on him suddenly, landing on her knees at the foot of the bed. Carefully taking his length in her hand then wrapping her lips around him so she could twirl her tongue over his head for a long breathed moment. Taking him slowly into her mouth just to slick his cock before she pulled her mouth free of him and used that tongue to lick over an open palm. Emilia wrapped her fingers of one hand around the base of his cock while the spit-slick hand worked over him. "Though should be thanking you...really.", she said softly before leaning forward to press a kiss on the inside of his thigh. He did after all, keep a murder from happening at her resort and immobilized a threat.

Suddenly the hand at his base shifted to his balls while her other hand left the party entirely so her mouth could wrap around him again. Taking him into her mouth at a painfully slow rate until she was taking him completely inside of her throat and her nose was pressed against his stomach. If only for a moment before she was ascending again to dance her tongue around him.

That dazzling smile never failed to work on him, even if it wasn't going to get her out of some kind of scolding for not getting her massage. Hunter couldn't help but snort at her sassy answer to what he was going to do with her, and gave her a light smack on the butt just as she was claiming his mouth in a kiss. He was thoroughly distracted by Emilia's grinding hips, though, so when she suddenly shoved him on the bed he fell back with a surprised huff of breath. Hunter lay underneath her traveling mouth, thoroughly enjoying the attention as she kissed and nipped her way down.

"Uh," he groaned with appreciation the moment her lacy panties settled against his cock. His hand stroked up her tight ass, squeezing encouragement for as long as she was grinding against him. Hunter growled lowly when she started to move again, but his complaints were quelled once he saw where she was settling herself. His gaze was heavy on Emilia when she took his cock in her hand, but only for as long as it took for her to get her mouth and tongue wrapped around him.

After that, Hunter groaned and closed his eyes, tilting his head toward the ceiling while he enjoyed the feeling of her slowly taking him into her mouth. His hand settled on the back of her head, adding pressure as she was pulling back -- but not enough to keep her from doing what she wanted. "Mmmph," he grunted. ‘Yeah? This isn't a bad start," he rumbled at her. Emilia's fingers on his cock were pulling all kinds of appreciative noises out of him, and Hunter groaned when he felt her mouth kissing the inside of his thigh. "Tease," he accused with fond frustration.

He soon lost the ability to complain about that. Hunter moaned as she slowly took him into her mouth, and it felt so good he didn't even care she was still being a god damn tease. "F-fuck, baby..." Hunter groaned. He half sat up on the bed, propping his weight up on an elbow so he could see what she was doing right around the time she was pulling back off his cock again. He watched her tongue dancing around the head of his cock, and he didn't try to stifle his appreciative moans at the attention she was giving him.

"Get on up here," Hunter ordered while patting his chest. But he didn't give her much of a chance to do anything before he reached for her and did it for her. Hunter pulled her on top of him, then tugged her hips into position: making it easy for his tongue to find her clit. His hands stroked over her hips, encouraging her to stay close while he lashed her clit over and over again. "Hrrrrmmm," he grumbled while his mouth was wrapped around her clit. Hunter was still thinking about how she hadn't gotten her massage. That was how Emilia ended up getting another firm smack on the ass, though it wasn't hard enough to do worse than sting. "Next time we're both getting the damn massages." Hunter was more or less talking into her pussy, so there was no telling if she'd be able to hear, but it didn't matter.

His mouth found her clit again, but this time he wasn't satisfied with simply having Emilia on his chest. Hunter used the grip he had on her hips to pull her back with him until she was riding his face: holding her in place with both hands around her legs while his tongue stroked firmly around her clit again and again and again.

It was a hard decision to make, what she liked more in the moment. The weight of him in her mouth or the taste he left on her tongue...Or the groans that were rolling out of him paired with the way he sat up to watch her. Since she was too busy focusing on the head of his cock to make a clear decision she settled on it being a combination. She'd managed to wrap her lips around him again one more time before he was patting his chest and ordering her up. Prompting a frustrated noise of her own to wash over his cock before she unwrapped her mouth from around him and planted a quick kiss on the head. Mere seconds, and barely a kiss really, before he was reaching for her and pulling her up before she could have even shifted to move up to where he wanted. "Impatient.", she teased but that teasing wasn't easily kept when his tongue found her clit. Soon she was huffing out quick moaning breaths as she leaned down to settle him inside of her mouth again, using a hand to hold his cock steady.

Each downward stroke of her head pushed him deep inside of her throat where each stroke of his tongue was forcing noises out against him. The problem with Emilia had always been how easily she could be distracted when it came to Hunter. A recurring problem, really. So even before that smack on the ass she was breaking contact to raise her head and moan out loudly for him. "Hunter...", she mingled his name with the sounds to the point where it was hard to tell where one started and the other ended. Shortly after came the smack that left her gasping out with a slight squeak and sending a jolt through her body for her hand to pick up where her mouth had started to fail. But he was right to assume she hadn't heard what he said about the massages. Entirely too hypnotized by his tongue that all she could do was realize he'd said something and hum a "Hmmm?", at him.

Not that it mattered there either because he was using his grip to pull her back until she was sitting on his face. A new position to pull a new noise out of her that wasn't entirely delicate or proper at all. More like a low grumbling sort of hiss of a noise. "Ohgod...", she stammered a bit with the words, mushed them together, but she got them out at least and not stuck in her throat. Unlike the noise that came next when his tongue got firmer against her clit repeatedly. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly doing it but she couldn't stop herself from gasping out like she needed air that she honestly didn't need. Those gasps shifting to softer moans as she shifted enough to raise herself up enough to rock herself on his tongue though his grip was still around her legs even if they were a bit more spread. Meanwhile her hand still worked at his length from the new angle, not entirely dedicated with her strokes, but she really couldn't have been blamed, right? But after a few moments she was leaning forward again in the position he'd originally pulled her into. Hips still rocking over his mouth, tongue, chin, nose as those noises started to get a bit more frantic along with her stroking hand and hips. A new noise rolled out of her that started with a 'huh' and ended with "--ter..." and was obviously a mangled version of his name.

Emilia jerked forward, letting her hand leave his cock unattended, in an attempt to squirm away from his mouth. For those first few precious seconds, and his iron grip, she couldn't get the words out to warn him why she was suddenly shifting away from his beautifully stroking tongue. Maybe it was the garbled whine that came out that convinced him and let her crawl away from his mouth and down his body. There was a soft quiver to her thighs as she moved, gracefully as she could manage, before she looked like she was going to crawl right off the bed. But she stopped when her legs framed his hips and suddenly , without guidance, pushed herself back onto him and slid him inside of her without hesitation. Each stroke of her hips taking him fully inside of her before working all the way to the tip of his cock and back again. "Guhh..", she muttered because whatever words she'd had she'd literally thrust right out of her own head. A decisive roll of her hips back had him seated fully inside of her as she started to sit upright on his hips. Settling her hands on his knees for the slow, obviously teasing grinding motion of her hips that took place of those thrusts. It was a pace that was obviously meant to calm down the twitching of her inner walls around him, she wasn't sure if he was ready just yet but she certainly wasn't.

"I love you.", she said in a breathy tone before glancing over her shoulder at him, that playful look in her eye should have been warning enough. The moment he looked like he was going to return those three words she suddenly found a relentless pace to work against him with, nails digging into his knees in the process.

He made a low, rumbling noise when Emilia first scrambled forward, trying to get off his tongue despite the grip he had on her to discourage her from doing just that. Hunter could tell what she was trying to avoid, but knowing she was trying to avoid it perversely made him want to push her toward it: challenge her self control by licking at her clit several more times before that beautiful fucking whine finally convinced him to let her go. His head fell onto the bed while he breathed out a sigh, wiping a hand over his mouth. When Hunter felt Emilia moving too close to the edge of the bed, he sat up, about to say something indignant like get your ass back here, when suddenly she was pushing her hips back on him.

"F-fuck," he hissed approvingly. He settled himself back on the bed again, laying out while she worked her hips over him as she pleased. Hunter's hands found her hips right around the time she started grinding against him like the tease she loved to be, but he didn't push her to go any faster than she was already going. He could guess at what she was doing with that pace and he approved, especially because he wasn't as close as she was.

Hunter looked up at her when she looked over her shoulder at him, his eyes heated with something more than simple lust. "Yeah?" He knew what she was expecting him to say back to her -- and there was no question that he loved her -- and that was why he didn't do it. At least not yet. It meant that when she started driving her hips against him, he let out a huffing pant of breath followed by a loud groan; but no garbled words. "God, baby," he groaned. Hunter sat up enough to watch her as her hips drove over him, his hand sliding high up her side while he jerked his hips up as in sync with her as he could get. His other hand settled between Emilia's legs, rubbing her clit as furiously as she was driving her hips onto his cock.

The hand on Emilia's side slid up, fingers wrapping firmly around her throat while he nudged his teeth against the back of her neck. "You're gonna come for me, Emi," Hunter growled behind the shell of her ear. He stroked her with his fingers and cock, using his legs and bigger body to ensure she stayed exactly where he wanted her. There was no escaping it; whether Emi was ready to come or not, Hunter fucked her right over that edge, pushing her into spasming around his body while his fingers drummed relentlessly on her clit and his cock thrust into her again and again.

But he wasn't finished with her yet. A rough thrust of his hand on the back of her neck pushed her forward, sending her down into a quasi bow while he set his other hand firmly on her ass. Hunter pushed his thumb, not even slicked with spit, into her pucker: using it as another means of holding onto Emi while he fucked relentlessly into her; albeit at a slower pace that at least gave her an opportunity to sort of recover. It gave him the pleasure of driving into her flexing, spasming body, too, which was no small thing. His groans gave away how close she was to milking the resolve -- and everything else -- right out of him.

Just not yet. It became his mantra while he let his stuttering hips falter into a slower pace. "You're - beautiful," Hunter huffed. He stroked a possessive hand over Emi's back and palmed an ass cheek, the unspoken addition to what he'd said out loud; beautiful and mine. Better than he deserved, probably, but he wasn't about to tell her that. Not when he was so determined to keep her. He maintained the slower yet solid pace for what he thought was long enough to let her recover… Or recover enough, anyway.

A soft grunt was Emilia's only warning before Hunter pulled out of her entirely. He used his hands on her hips to flip her over onto her back, and left her with little time to whine or do anything else before he was on her again. Hunter grabbed one of her legs, situating it over his shoulder as he nudged his hips into place: settling his cock flush against her entrance so a fierce thrust of his hips sent him all the way inside. "F-fuck, Emi," he hissed. He picked up a more driving pace from his first thrust, and as he did his hand moved between her legs: intending to tease her clit again if she didn't stop him.

His head tilted, and he shifted his weight until he caught her eye. "Love you, babe," he groaned down at her.

Nearly all of her attention was being put behind her hips and that pressure building quicker inside of her but it wasn't enough that she didn't feel him shift. His hand shouldn't have caught her by as much surprise as it did but her gasp betrayed any attempt to hide that fact. "Uhng.", was the only noise she was able to make especially when she felt his teeth at the back of her neck. And goddammit that growling near her ear was more than enough to send a firm shudder through her body. It probably didn't need to be said considering just how well the friction of his fingers and their hips were having in pushing her towards that edge at a dead sprint. She tried her best to say something, anything, but all she could manage was a hand lifting from it's place on his knee to wrap back around his head. Holding him close as she let out a gasping moan feeling the first clench roll through her body. It was all downhill after that as her body squirmed then seized up while pressing back against him with her head falling back to his shoulder and both hands falling useless beside her.

"H-H--ohgod...Hunter!", she practically screamed it as the orgasm rolled through her relentlessly and rendered any shift of her own body just as useless as her hands. Strong enough to push nearly every thought out of her head including the common knowledge on the fact that she needed to breathe. Something that didn't come back to her until he was thrusting her forward and forced her to gasp out loudly for a lung filling gesture.

Emilia wasn't all that graceful in her fall forward, landing with a bit of a bounce on the bed, while her legs tried to move her forward to clench around that rush of the orgasm. Obviously, Hunter wasn't having any of that. Everything went rigid again when he pushed his thumb into her and forced her back to curve at a dramatic angle while she grasped desperately at the bed, "Fu-uuuck.", she stuttered though still clearly lost in some purgatory of the orgasm running through her. Every single muscle in her body flexing to the point that she knew damn well she was going to be feeling it long after they were done. Finally though everything started to relax and she found her ability to get steadier breaths into her body. Less frantic gasping anyways. Something in the way his thumb was settled inside of her with the steady thrusts of his hips reset something inside of her and prompted a long whine of a noise that sounded too close to his name. For a moment she managed to find the strength to get herself propped back up on her hands again and work her hips back against him. Though only for a moment before the right shift of both of their hips had her faltering downward again and crying out for him with a desperate noise just as he was huffing at her.

Their hips didn't find that spot again and she got her chance to recover enough that she found her hands again and the ability to rock back against him yet again. The numb feeling welling up though she knew better than to trust it for too long. At least she knew she'd possibly have enough time to focus on pushing him over that edge before he drove her to another edge of her own, or so she hoped. Words, coherent ones, were still too hard to find at the moment so she managed to slip a hand back and grasp at his thigh in a similar fashion he'd palmed her ass. Silently claiming.

Emilia had nearly missed that grunt, and yeah he got his whine, as she was flipping over to her back and it only elongated when he was quickly grabbing one of her legs and settling himself against her. Opening her mouth to say something when his hips suddenly thrust forward and forced out a moan instead of whatever she intended to say. Her eyes fluttered into the back of her head for a moment before they finally settled up on his face as her hips carefully worked up against his. Not with as much finesse as she would have liked but enough to have her feeling like she was contributing a bit more. But when she felt his hand going for her clit again, her stomach clenched up tellingly, and she shot down a hand to grab it instead. Pulling his hand all the way up to her mouth so she could suckle at his thumb while gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes shortly before he thrust another harsh moan out of her. When her head fell back she made sure his hand came with her though her hand abandoned his wrist in favor of stretching over her head. Shifting her head back up when she felt him shifting again and twisting her chin so his thumb fell from between her lips for a, "Lo-Love you, too....", she gasped before shifting herself to put her other leg over his other shoulder.

Using whatever grip she could manage, while raising up with a flex of her stomach, so she could try to catch his mouth enough for either a sloppy kiss (though loving) or at the very least lick at his lips before she fell back down to the bed again.

He'd known plenty of women who were loud in bed, but none of them had ever impacted him like Emilia. Something more than satisfaction and deeper than pleasure went through him when she cried out for him, close to irresistible in her desperation. Everything about Emilia was irresistible, at least as far as Hunter was concerned. It was deeply satisfying to watch her eyes flutter into the back of her head, showing her whites, and knowing he was the one who'd pushed her there. "Yeah," Hunter panted just as she was opening her eyes. Her hips working into his added that extra level of friction he'd been looking for, and he was really driving into her by the time she caught his hand by the wrist.

Hunter grunted, adding just enough pressure behind his arm to make his reluctance clear -- but he let Emilia guide him wherever she wanted. It turned out to be well worth it, since the wet warmth of her mouth felt fucking amazing wrapped around anything, even his thumb. "You better," he grunted while her other leg was settling over his shoulder. Emilia didn't have to fight very hard for that sloppy kiss, because he wasn't making her go very far. Hunter settled his weight over her, folding her legs between their bodies while he worked his hips into hers. He leaned in close until they were forehead to forehead, sharing breaths when they weren't sharing kisses.

Knowing that she loved him was always in the back of his head, and it made it easier to do some of the things that had to be done to make the world a better place, like using force to subdue a dangerous man. His hips started to get rougher, thudding into her with persuasive force while he held her in that folded up position underneath him. "Em," he groaned. Hunter had been trying to treat her more gently, and not only because of her bean; he felt responsible for her almost being in danger, even if he had no control over her resort's security system.

But he wasn't thinking about that now. All he was thinking about was the beautiful woman underneath him and how desperately he needed to hear her cry out for him again; how much he needed to feel her coming around him one more time. Hunter grunted while he shifted on the bed, using his hands on her upper thighs to reposition her as he pleased. He pushed Emilia down, legs splayed on either side, and fucked her into the bed with grunting, teeth gritted determination. His hips were still going at that pace when he looked down at her, appreciating the way she looked and sounded while his cock was moving in her… For as long as he could move in her. He was determined to see her through her final orgasm, but she wasn't done seizing up around him before he broke his body's threshold.

Hunter's hand settled on her throat without warning, holding her pinned down on the bed while he thrust his hips into hers more roughly than ever: pushing himself over the edge and groaning as he spilled his seed into her. "G-guh, Emi," he grunted raggedly. His thumb stroked over the elegant lines of her throat as he shifted over her: still holding his cock inside of her because he was too busy appreciating the artistic sprawl underneath him.

"My good girl." Hunter's voice was gravely. He groaned while pulling out and then settling down on the bed over her: letting go of her throat so he could wrap her in his arms instead. He held Emilia like that for several moments, gazing down at her and slowly stroking his fingers over her hair. "This is probably better'n a massage," he murmured into the breathing silence.

Emilia let out a soft noise when he folded her legs between them but she was more than happy for the contact it provided. Along with a new angle that was thudding out that numb feeling from her last orgasm. So once their foreheads were pressed together she was struggling between giving him the kisses she wanted to give while panting moans over his lips. There was a difference in the kisses she had for him now though, all more loving than heated, though the heat was still there. Just a little overpowered at the moment. Which all changed the moment his hips started to get rougher and any kisses she had just turned into her lips getting blindly pressed against his mouth, chin, and that general area. Even her thighs started to quiver between them with those thrust that were certainly aimed to push her towards another release.

She was so lost in him, the thrusts of his hips, his warm body pressed against whatever flesh it was that her hands got lost in the process. Simply holding onto the bed beside her while she gasped in a horrible try to answer his groaning. Her breathing started shifting back to that frantic pacing by the time he splayed her legs on either side of him. Managing a whine of a noise for him when his eyes settled more firmly on her face but that was all she was going to be able to do in the moment. Each time she got the Hu part of his name out she was whining again and giving him a desperate look. It'd only taken a few more precise, rough strokes of his hips before her eyes were fluttering again and she was exhaling a long moan of a noise. "Hu---", she tried again but it was too late.

Too soon his hand was on her throat and her entire body was seizing up under him to the point that her only point of contact with the bed was her head and upper shoulders. Finally a hand shot from it's resting place on the bed to grab the forearm of the hand holding her throat. It was an orgasm that hit hard, fast before making her sink back into the bed with a pleased groan of a noise. Limbs falling wherever they may while her eyes slipped shut as she tried to catch her breath. Successful by the time he was talking to her again and pulling out which prompted another soft huff of a noise from her. Her eyes didn't open again until she felt him wrapping his arms around her and even then she looked more than well-fucked. "Mmmmhmmmm.", she hummed while leaning her head up enough to give him a tiny kiss, a peck really. Her lips curling into a smile instantly after, "Well, at least now we can cut out coffee and massages easily...", her tone was meant to be teasing but at that point it was just as lazy as her smile.

Emilia wiggled a little underneath him to make him settle a bit more and allow her to snuggle up into him a bit more properly. Giving him a brief, loving kiss before she rubbed their noses together with that lazy smile still firmly in place. "Should...", she paused for peck at his chin, "...probably put some clothes on before room service shows up." Even as she said it she made no signs of wanting to move though. Letting one of her hands slip up his arm to his shoulder before she started dancing her fingertips over his flesh, "They better hurry though...I may eat you instead.", she grinned broadly before nipping at his chin while her other hand sunk into his hair. Letting those fingers massage at his scalp and probably betraying the fact that they'd need to get up sooner or later. She couldn't be blamed really. It was too comfortable to be wrapped up in his arms and running her fingers over his skin and scalp, even if it was still lazily.

She really was perfect. Hunter gazed down at the love of his life, stroking his fingers through her hair for the simple pleasure of it. He shifted down when she leaned up for that peck of a kiss, and he was already smiling as he pulled back. "Who says I've got to cut out coffee?" He teased. In all honesty, Hunter would definitely continue to drink caffeinated things, especially while on the hunt -- he was just less likely to do it around her. Hunter shifted when she started to wiggle, settling down on the bed so he could wrap himself around her. She ended up tucked snugly in his arms, and his smile was as lazy as hers as he settled back on the pillow. Not to mention arrogant. Emilia was the only one he'd ever known who could make him feel like a king just by rubbing their noses together or kissing him on the chin.

"Hmmmm," Hunter rumbled while her fingers were settling against his scalp. "Maybe I'm the first course," he teased. There was a low, rumbly quality in his voice that betrayed how much of an impact her fingers were having on him: his grip around her got a little less tight, though his arms were still very much holding her close. Hunter not-quite-dozed until their room service arrived, and when it did he was too lazy to do more than grumpily shrug into a robe when he went to answer the door. The robe was cinched up tight as he was tipping the person delivering their food, but the moment he got back to the bed he was shrugging out of it again. There was something decadent yet natural about eating food in the nude, especially when it was just the two of them, and the sushi was worth it. Hunter liked having all of his fingers, so he didn't try to take anything off Emilia's chocolate plate.

After lunch, they spent a little more time lazing around before Hunter bullied them both out of bed so they could get dressed in the spare clothes he'd packed. His outfits were never fashionable nor fancy, but always functional. The only thing out of place was the bag he insisted on taking with them, in addition to the delivery drone that launched alongside their shuttle; though it veered off at the end instead of landing with them. The landing zone for the shuttle was a bit of a hike away from the lake, and Hunter insisted on carrying his bag: leaving Emilia to guide the way with their flashlight.

For as long as they needed it, anyway. The lake was visible from a distance: glowing even brighter than usual thanks to the full moon hanging heavy in the cloudless night sky. The view as they came into the clearing was breathtaking, with a pier stretching out into the glowing lake and a sailing catamaran tied to the end of it. "Lemme see the light?" Hunter asked once they were on the pier. He took the flashlight from Emilia when she handed it to him, then aimed it at the catamaran: checking to make sure the fishing supplies they were going to need were all there. Once he was satisfied, he offered the light back to her. "Can probably go without it once we get on the water..." There was a leading tone in his voice. Hunter had something better to light the way for them than a flashlight. "You want a hand?" He took a step closer to the catamaran, intending to help steady Emilia as she got on the boat.

Emilia was eager to agree with a playful nod of her head that he was in fact the first course but she didn't vocalize it. The lazy was settling too much for that to happen. What did end up getting vocalized was her protesting groan, that wasn't playful, when he moved off the bed to deal with room service. Not that she should have been complaining, she was hungry after all. So instead of whining more she pulled all the blankets around her to bury herself while he was getting the food through the open door. She didn't know all of her employees that well and she certainly didn't need any of them seeing her sprawled out on a bed completely nude. Even if he did a well enough job of keeping the bed blocked from the view the door. Never too careful!

Once the food was in the room she was unburying herself to get at some of the sushi which she would have easily agreed was worth getting untangled for. The chocolate plate? Well, it was even better and while she tried her best to make sure to save some for Hunter...She ended up eating more of the sweets than the savory. Getting bullied out of the bed after the meal wasn't too much of an ordeal other than her pouting around for a few minutes before she finally slipped into her own clothes. It was a complete shift in attitude once she had her clothes on and started moving though. Seeming more excited to get back down to the actual ground with Hunter was always the favorite part of her days. Due in part since it felt like home, he felt like home.

Emilia protested a bit about helping carry the bag instead of manning the flashlight but only because of the huff she got out of him. Grinning for a long while as they hiked towards the lake in more silence than small chit-chat. She knew the grounds beneath the resort were safe. She'd played a lot of money to make sure they stayed that way but you could really never be too careful and she didn't want to end up as something's dinner before they got to their final destination. Once she would see the lake it was hard not to make those soft noises of wonder though. Plenty of 'ooooh's and 'ahhhh's and 'it's so pretty' even when they made it to the pier. "Huh?", she noised when he asked for the flashlight and shifted her attention away from the glowing water. Giving him a bright smile before handing it over and pushing up on her toes to watch what he was doing with it and the catamaran. Plucking the flashlight back she arched a brow at him and his leading tone before she shut off the light and shoved it into her back pocket.

Only putting it away because she hadn't wanted to drop it in the water when she nodded and took his hand so she could climb onto the catamaran. Little wobbly, thanks to the water, but she managed not to topple overboard. Before sitting down, she took the flashlight back out again and twisted it on, using it to light the side of the boat he'd need to step on to climb onboard as well. "I forgot how pretty it was out here...", she said while watching him, "...we should come out here more often." Giving him another smile as she held out a hand with a finger pointing to his bag, "Lemme hold it while you get us situated and moving?", wiggling her fingers a bit for emphasis while constantly moving the light to where she thought he was going to need it to see. With the duck off her resort all of Emilia's suspicions had quickly faded away and she was only expecting the nice session of night fishing they'd discussed.

Getting Emilia out on the water now was in preparation for later, when she was too close to being a duck to get on the boat. Despite the deep technological world that he lived in, there were some things Hunter was convinced could only be solved by moments like this: being alone with each other in the wild, surrounded by the dark, the water, and the forest's nighttime sounds. He could already feel his tension over their day starting to drain away, letting his smiles come more easily for Emilia. He was a solidly supportive presence while she was getting on the boat, bracing her with one hand and holding the catamaran snug against the pier with the other. Once she was sitting, Hunter turned to get his bag, which turned out to be something he almost regretted when Emilia held her hand out for it. It was the same problem with Hannah all over again, except he trusted Emilia with his life. That was why he only hesitated for a moment before handing over the bag. Hunter was tempted to tell her not to look inside, but he knew her well enough to know that would only make her want to know what he was hiding. Suspicious or not, he still made sure to reclaim his bag the moment he was onboard and put it as far out of her reach as he could without endangering it.

It was ideal conditions for night sailing, and when given the choice Hunter would always choose the least technological option. Once he was on the catamaran and had the sail up, they went gliding over the glowing water as quietly as a boat was able. The glow added an ethereal light to everything onboard, especially Emilia. He kept stealing glances at her while he was taking them out on the water, though he had to pay some attention to his watch: keeping an eye on their GPS coordinates so he could get them where they were going. The mountain-lined channel he guided them through was barely wide enough for the catamaran, and it took several moments of concentrated sailing to get them out safely on the other side. It was well worth it, though. The smaller lake they sailed into didn't glow as much as the bigger one did - had less of the bioluminescent algae - but that was where the fish were. They glowed underneath the water like beacons, and even when they went deeper some of the glow still reached the surface: it wasn't that deep of a lake. Most of the remaining algae had settled on the rocky bottom of the lake, and in shallower parts it gave them a glowing view of the underwater features.

Hunter took them out to the center of the small lake, then tied down the sail so it wouldn't get caught in the meandering wind. He took a moment to appreciate the bone deep quiet that was settling over them, made deeper by nighttime's ambient sounds. "C'mere," he said finally. Hunter shifted onto the canvas stretched across the boat, which was strong enough to hold both of them but still gave him a sense of being closer to the lake than an actual boat or even a canoe would've. He held out an arm for Emilia to snug herself under, guiding her close until they were comfortably situated on the catamaran; sitting up with their legs stretched out and his arm wrapped around his woman. "Hey, look," he nudged at her with his nose, then inclined his head toward the sky. The stars were shining down on them, somewhat muted by the moon but no less beautiful for it. He kept his arm around Emilia while laying back, bringing her with him until they were flat on the catamaran: close enough to the water to hear it lapping at the sides of the boat as they looked up at the sky.

"You got the Big Dipper?" Hunter asked in a low, rumbling voice. Find the constellation was one of his favorite nighttime games to play, and in this case it had an added benefit... "That one was easy," he grinned at her. "How 'bout Virgo?" While Emilia was searching for the constellation he'd named, little lights popped on all around the lake: too close to the water to be mistaken as stars. Whatever they were looked like fireflies, but real fireflies didn't respond to Hunter surreptitiously pushing a button on his watch like these ones did. Real ones didn't change colors, either, like his firebots: he nudged her up into a sitting position so she'd be able to see the red glowing heart drawn over the lake by countless of the bug sized bots. Hunter turned to press a lingering kiss to the side of Emilia's forehead while the bots started to disperse, many of them blinking out to get into position for their next stunt. Enough remained to add color to the lake, and they did that spectacularly: some glowing green, others blue, pink, and white.

His hand stroked slowly down Emilia's back and along her side, anchoring his weight by planting his other arm behind him. "Don't think the fish are hungry yet," Hunter drawled. If nothing else, his tone probably gave away that they weren't going to be spending any time with the fishing supplies he'd been so set on having before they left. That'd been a misdirect, because he had a totally different ending in mind.

Emilia wasn't paying much attention to the bag until after he moved it away from her and even then it was a flash of a wonder about why he moved it. But she did well to push the suspicion aside and get comfortable on the stretched canvas of the catamaran. She shifted into a few different positions in the time it took them to travel to the final destination. Either sitting calmly on the catamaran, then laying on her side, then laying on her stomach with a hand dangling off the edge so she could let it hang into the water as they moved. For a brief moment she had a trail of glowing fish following her fingers and it was enough to bring a faint smirk to her lips. But by the time they were finally in the smaller lake and stationary she was sitting up again and wiping the water on her shirt. So she was still smiling and eager when he beckoned for her to come closer, tucking herself into him with a content noise. "Hmmmm?", she hummed when he nudged at her with his nose but her eyes were quick to follow his towards the sky. Practically sparkling from one of the various lights either shining from beneath them or from above. But she did let out a small squeak of a noise when he pulled the both back to lay down on the catamaran. Quickly snuggling into him with a position that let her not only get a claiming leg over him but let her stare up at the sky as well.

His question about the Big Dipper earned an unsure sound before she finally stretched up a hand to point a slender finger at it, shifting enough to give him that flash of a smirk. Those brown eyes narrowing a little when he said it'd been an easy one, "Psh...", she noised before the question about Virgo had pulled her attention back to the sky. Her eyes were busy following the curve of the Big Dipper so she could find the next constellation so at first she missed the buzz of the lights popping up around the lake. At least until he was nudging her up and she shifted her eyes more to the lake than to the sky. The red glowing heart earned a soft gasp before she became a bit entranced by it. Well, until they started to disperse anyways and her attention was all on Hunter with the brightest smile she could possibly have plastered on her hips. Admiration took the place of that happy twinkle though it was still a considerable amount of twinkling going on behind those eyes. "I love you, that's so...", she glanced back to the remaining colored floating dots that were affecting the color of the lake, "...beautiful."

She was busy watching them, or the general area anyways, to see what else the things could possibly be doing in the dark. But of course, she didn't see anything.

Her attention shifted back to him at the mention of the fish and the glow of the lake was enough for him to see that arched brow, "The fish are always hungry.", she reminded him in a skeptical tone. Not that she had a problem with not fishing and just laying there to enjoy the night. She was a horrible fisher and always insisted on tossing the fish back regardless of how long it took for them to reel them in or how big they were. Well, most of the time when they weren't actively planning on cooking the fish they caught. But even then they ended up tossing more back than they kept. At least she could bait her own hook? So, she suddenly shifted on the catamaran until she had weaseled her way into his lap and was sitting between his legs. Her back pressed against his chest while she claimed the hand he wasn't using to hold himself up for her to intertwine their fingers together. A warm feeling whelled up over her and for a moment the pregnancy hormones almost got the best of her and nearly pushed some tears into her eyes. It took little more than a few hard blinks that he could see that chased it away. But she couldn't help it! She was so fucking happy in the moment that she wasn't even sure if she could have blamed the extra powerful hormones coarsing through her for the moment.

Emilia tilted her back and to the side enough so she could kiss underneath his chin, doing that a couple of times, until she found his lips for a neat and loving kiss. "Virgo is between Leo and Libra, right?", she muttered against his lips before giving his chin another quick kiss and shifting so she could look up at the sky. It was about then that a star streaked across the sky and she was making an excited noise and pointing it out as quickly as she could, "Oh, oh, oh, make a wish!" She shifted again in his lap until she was, still between his legs, but facing him with her legs stretched out over his thighs so that her feet were behind him. "Did you see it? You have to see it to make a wish!", she closed her eyes suddenly before a smirk curled onto her lips and she carefully opened a single eye to peek out at him. The other followed quickly after to leave her gazing lovingly at him while she reclaimed his hand again to hold and her loving gaze finally shifting back up to the starlit sky. "We aren't going to fish are we?", she asked in a soft voice, keeping her head upturned but slanting a quick look his way with a smile threatening the corner of her lips.

Her skepticism about whether the fish were hungry earned her a boyish grin from Hunter. He rarely relaxed enough around other people to grin at them like that, but Emilia was his exception to every rule. He tilted his head to keep an eye on her when she started to move, and when he realized where she was headed he lifted his legs at the knees: forming a casually protecive barrier around her with his body. Hunter gave Emilia's fingers a gentle squeeze, then tilted his head to kiss her on the cheek. She started moving a few moments after that, wriggling around enough to kiss him under the chin and then give him a proper, mouth to mouth kiss. "Hmmmmm," he rumbled in answer. "That's right," he was saying when Emilia made the most intriguing noise. He shifted, expecting to see some kind of animal or something she thought was cute, and by the time he was looking up (aka, away from her) the shooting star was already out of the sky. Hunter couldn't help breathing out a soft laugh at her enthusiasm, and he had a helluva lot more fun watching her make a wish than he would've had trying to make his own. What good was making wishes when he already had everything he wanted in his arms?

Hunter was still watching Emilia when she opened an eye to peek at him, and his mouth pulled up into an openly fond grin. "We might," he said mysteriously. "I'm more interested in what you were wishing for..." His eyes dropped from her eyes to her mouth, and he leaned in to nuzzle his mouth and nose up her neck. "You're so beautiful," Hunter murmured as he was pulling away. He lightly tapped her on the nose, just for the pleasure of it, then casually lifted both of their hands so he could get at his watch. It meant he had to support their weight with his upper body while he was pushing the button, but that was no hard feat. Hunter settled his arm back on the catamaran behind him when the sky overhead lit up with fireflies. It was an imperfect message written across the sky - he was no fine hand with tech, but he could get the job done - but they were far enough away to make the meaning clear: EMI EDWARDS was written in the stars, every letter flashing a different color in sync with the others.

While Emi's attention was on the sky, Hunter casually reached for the bag sitting near them on the boat. Only took a second to find the hand carved ring box and pull it out of the bag, moving casual and slow to try and keep from attracting too much of her attention. It was personalized with an 'E'on the thumb latch. Hunter casually settled his arm on his knee, letting the hand holding the box dangle over her lap. "What'd'you think?" He tilted his head to kiss the side of hers. "Looks good in the sky..." His thumb pushed the box open as he lifted it between them. Hard to get on one knee out on the water, but... "We could make it official." The ring inside of the box had been buffed and shined to look like new, but it was several generations old. It was muted, considering everything else that was glowing around them, but the gemstone had an otherworldly glow about it. Hunter gazed down at the ring for a moment, then leaned in to kiss Emi on the shoulder.

He'd been playing it cool this whole time, but he was nervoous as hell. He was more than just nervous; he could barely get his tongue around the things he wanted to say! Hunter had to breathe out long and slow to find his calm again, and then he lifted his head to try and get a better look at her face. "It's been in my family for generations," he told Emi, more out of nervousness than anything. "My, uh - great-great-great grandfather made it himself, using a new gemstone they'd found on one of the early asteroid mining missions... It absorbs sunlight during the day, and glows at night... S'why they call it a Starstone." Telling the story had settled Hunter enough that he sounded confident when he continued: "You're the light of my life, even in the dark, and I need you. I more than need you." It took effort for a man as prideful as Hunter to admit he needed anyone outside of himself, but it was true. He was lost without Emilia.

"So, Emilia Vanderbuck..." One half of his mouth was grinning despite his best efforts to stop it. "Will you marry me?"

Emilia was nothing but grins and approving noises when he nuzzled against her neck, even a faint chill slipped through her from the gesture. It couldn't have been noticed due to the lighting around them but her cheeks were certainly warmed and blushed with his compliment as well. "You ain't so bad yourself.", she teased softly before he tapped her on the nose and she scrunched it for him. But soon her attention was on his watch and the button he hit if only for the length of time it took him to do it. She was convinced he was checking the time until her eyes slowly shifted up to the change in lighting in the sky. It took a moment before she realized what it said and when she did she did, well, she felt something zing through her that she couldn't have explained. Probably because it was such a strong mixture of different emotions that melded together so perfectly that one couldn't have been distinguished from the other. Needlessly said, she was hypnotized by the blinking lights as if they were something she'd never seen before...because it really wasn't.

Not like this anyways.

She was so transfixed on her name, his name, painted across the sky that she didn't even feel or notice him shifting around to get something. At least until he was settling his arm on his knee and saying something before kissing the side of her head. "I think it's...", she paused just when he said they could make it offical and it felt like something inside of her was threatening to burst. She just couldn't tell what it was especially not with the possibly hormone induced 'want to cry' feeling that was threatening to ruin whatever eyeliner she'd chosen for the day. It'd survived a lot but it certainly wouldn't survive her crying without leaving her looking like a raccoon. Her eyes shifted from his face to that box when she caught the sight of it finally. Hadn't even realized she'd been staring at him until that exact moment either. Her jaw dropped a bit, maybe more than a bit, before she suddenly raised her free hand to cover her mouth then shifted her eyes back to his face again. She wasn't silent for any dire reasons but more for the simple fact that she very well couldn't find her own words in the moment.

While Hunter was talking about the ring she was stuck just simply staring at him again, probably looking a bit stupid in the process, but she didn't care. What she cared about was the fact that the man that she loved more than anything, the soon-to-be father of their child, was asking her to marry him! But that shock faded when he continued with telling her that he needed her and the first tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a faint black streak in it's wake. The noise Emilia made when he said her name couldn't have been described but was close to some kind of inhale that got garbled with something else stuck in her throat.

The more she stared at him, flicked her eyes to the ring, the more she started to focus on that grin tugging at half of his mouth. "Y-Yes!", she stumbled over the simple word like it was something far more complicated but only because she was distracted by the thudding of her heart in her chest. In her ears. Suddenly though, after that simple word, she pushed up to her knees quickly then closed the distance between them. Planting both hands on his neck so that her fingers were behind him to make it easier to pull him into the kiss she needed. It wasn't all that long of a kiss, long enough for her butterfly feeling to stop feeling like a stampede inside of her before she was shifting back and turning her attention to the ring again. "Of course I'll marry you, Hunter, you're my everything.", she couldn't even make it through the whole statement without tears forming in her eyes again. A couple breaking free from her right eye to roll down her cheek but it was an odd look considering the way her lips turned into a bright smile.

She leaned in for one more quick peck at his lips before she shifted back yet again, holding out her left hand. A bit of a shake to it. At that point, she was torn between waiting for him to get the ring on her finger or if she should have been pouncing on him like she wanted. Just to smother him with as many kisses as he'd allow her to get away with. One thing she wasn't confused or torn about was just how happy she was and it showed all over her face and the way her eyes were shining again as she stared at him.

Emilia wasn't the only one who needed the kiss. Hunter wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for as long as her mouth was on his. He made a low murmuring noise as she was shifting back, but he let her go; at least far enough to pay more attention to the open ring box. His gaze caught on the tears rolling down on her cheek, and for a moment he tensed up: reacting first to her tears and second to the smile that implied it was the happy sort of crying. (He'd never known such a thing existed before Emilia had come into his life. Being raised by him, Rory knew better than to get that kind of emotional when he was around.) But his eyes dropped down to her mouth, and the grin she was wearing, and he slowly tilted his head to the side while using a thumb to wipe her tears away. "Good," he murmured. His eyes flashed up to hers, checking to be sure she meant what she'd said. The shine he saw there left him without any doubts. "That's good."

He carefully pulled the ring out of its box, and his eyes flashed to hers again as he reached for her hand. Hunter slid the ring onto her ring finger on her left hand, and as he did something settled in him that felt both comfortable and right; like this was what they should've done all along, or a long time ago. The timing might've been coincidental with her pregnancy, but their bean wasn't why Hunter was proposing to Emilia. S/he was the excuse to do something he'd been wanting to do without realizing he'd been wanting to do it for too long. "So, soon-to-be Mrs. Edwards," Hunter grinned. He couldn't help it; he liked the way that sounded way too fucking much. "How do you think we should celebrate?" The quirk in his grin was subtle but flirtatious, and he wasted no time in setting a hand under her chin so he could turn her in for a kiss.

"I have some'a that nonalcoholic bubbly fruit juice..." Hunter spoke the words while his mouth was hovering over hers. He nudged their lips together for another, briefer kiss, then reluctantly pulled back enough to get a better look at her. "Moonlight suits you, ya'know." He thumbed over her chin, grinning like an idiot, then stretched out on the catamaran to grab his bag again. This time, Hunter pulled it over to them and set it in her lap; she was still facing him, and there was nothing else he had to hide from her now that she was wearing his ring. He stole a glance at it while unzipping the main compartment of the bag and pulling out the self chilling bottle of bubbly fruit juice and a wood carved mug. "We're gonna have to share," he told her. The look he gave her made it clear that had been a deliberate decision, too, though he wouldn't explain it was because he'd always liked the symbolism between two people sharing a cup when they pledged themselves to each other. Their wedding would be more for their family and friends than each other, but this quiet moment out on the secluded lake was just for them.

Hunter popped the bottle of faux champagne and poured it into the mug. He held the mug between them and met Emi's eyes over it. "To our future," he said with solemn sincerity. Hunter took the first sip - and a small sip at that, because without alcohol even the tarter grape juices were too sweet for him - then offered the mug to Emi. He waited for her to take at least one sip of the drink, then slowly started to lean back: leaving her sitting up on her own. Hunter laid back with his elbow holding him up at an angle so could still watch Emi. "Got some more ideas on how we can celebrate..." He was wearing a boyishly mischievous partial smile, present as much in his eyes as on his face, when he reached for Emi's hand, encouraging her on top of him.

"I really, really love you," he murmured while stroking his hands over the sides of Emi's head. Hunter gazed up at her, then leaned up for a sincere kiss.